Author's Note

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Hello, all! It is I, TheMermaidFreak, here with a Q&A!

Before this starts, I'd like to mention all the amazing people who have showed this story support! If I have forgotten anyone, please let me know!














Plus my amazing friends from Wikia that I didn't include on this list!

Now, onto the questions:

Is this a fanfiction?

Technically, it is, but only because three characters from Human .4, and three characters from Variant appear in the story. All the rest is completely, entirely original. :)

What the heck is Human .4?

Human .4 is a book duology written by author Mike A. Lancaster. I read it back in 2014, and was taken aback by it. I wholeheartedly recommend it to all sci-fi fans, as it deserves more love than it gets!

I have so many questions! I was so confused! Nothing made sense in this book!

Don't worry, I don't blame you. This isn't my best piece of work, as I started it back in 2014, when my writing skills weren't as good.

Any other questions you may have, any at all, please leave in the comments, and I will answer them. :)

Also, I'd like to give a shoutout to the amazing awesome people at SciKick, who I look up to! I entered this piece in their first contest, and, even though I'm not expecting to win, and might possibly get disqualified for my story being fanfiction, I hope they enjoy this!

Thank you all! :)


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