Mark said.

"That's alright son. Is this Jack? The maniac's son?"

Jack nodded pretty shaken up.

"Your father has been arrested add will appear in the court of law. You are requested as part of- basically you will need to go to the hearing and present evidence that your father is a phycopath."

Jack nodded again.

"Now son I'm afraid you'll have to come with me, you've just turned 16 haven't you?"

"Yes... B-but I w-want to stay with Markimoo...."

The cop frowned a little in confusion.

"What's a Mark a moo?"

"Sir, if I may. I'm Mark."

Mark held out a hand and the cop shook it.

"Officer Jones"

"He's referring to me when he says that, he calls me Markimoo, I call him Jackaboy."

"So he wants to stay with you?"

Jack nodded as well as Mark.

"I think it'll be the best thing for him Sir."

"Can I contact your parents?"

"If you could I'd be amazed"

Mark chuckled.

"Sorry Sir, they died when I was young. Another officer... Marley? Was it? He was working on the case, my Mom, Dad, sister and dog were in the car when my dad filled it with Carbon Monoxide. I was... The only one to escape. We were being hunted by a mafia you see, my dad was a gambler and he refused to pay the boss. So naturally he resorted to suicide. And he decided he didn't want to go alone. But officer Marley helped me into care, the work he did for me was amazing but I didn't like it there, not much space, never got on with the young ones."

"I'm sorry for your loss. But without parental supervision he'll have to go into care until he's 17."

Jack started to cry again and the cop looked really guilty.

"Sir I live with four other 17 year olds, nothing will happen. Please, going into care would destroy the poor boy."

Mark rubbed Jacks back.

"Fine, alright. He can stay with you. But one word of negative trouble and he's in care, do I make myself clear?"

"Transparently Sir."


Jack sat under the red blanket, holding a warm cup of black coffee, his hands were shaking and he was staring at the floor. Around his left arm was a bandage where his dad had cut him. Mark cuddled him, feeling incredibly guilty for what had happened. Mark took off his glasses with one hand and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey bros you want me to order in pizza?"

Jack didn't answer. There was just a sad silence.

"Mark you alright?"

Bob asked, expressing concern for the blue haired boy.

"Yeah thanks Bob... Just little upset is all"


Jack asked in a small shaky voice. Mark turned to see him staring at him.

"Because I feel like I've let you down."

Jack put a hand on Marks knee and squeezed reassuringly.

"Ye haven't let me down, ye jus' caught me so I couldn't fall any father'."

"I love you Jack."

"I love ye more Mark! Ha! Gochuuuu!"

Mark chuckled.

"Well I love you most."

Jack looked away.


Everyone laughed, and so did Jack. Everything was happy again.


"Spin the bottle!"

Felix shouted.

"Wha' t'a'?"

Jack asked in the most adorable fashion.

"That my dear boy is a game where you spin a bottle, whoever it lands on, the person who spun it asks truth or dare."

Mark said.


Jack shouted. It had been a week since Jack's dad's arrest and they had school the next day. (The principal gave them an extra week off. Just Jack and Mark, to take care of Jack).

Felix spun the bottle and it landed on Mark.

"Well, well, well. Mark! Truth or dare bro!"

Mark thought for a second.

"Diddly dare dong doo!"

"I dare you to kiss Jack! Passionately!"

Mark chuckled and rolled his eyes, but before he could turn to Jack, he found himself being tackled by him.

"Well come on t'en loverboy! Kiss me!"

Mark smirked and placed a hand on Jacks neck to bring him closer. Jack smiled to himself just before Mark closed his eyes and connected their lips, henceforth for filling the 'daring' wish of Felix.

Everything was alright, Jack had the best family, the best boyfriend and he was happy.

Love Hurts... Literally // SeptiplierKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat