Chapter seven

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Jack was in his house with his dad, he was in his room near the window, scared, crying. His dad was pounding on the door screaming for Jack to let him in. He panicked and called Mark, it rang a few times but he picked up.

"Hey baby, is everything OK?"

His deep, cherpy voice answered.

"No... Dad is trying to get in. Mark he's going to hurt me!! Help me please!"

Jack was crying, he heard Mark shout for Felix to call the police, Bob to fix up the couch and a warm drink, Wade and Ken to come with him. He heard movement.

"It's OK baby, I'm coming. Markimoo is coming. Is the door barricaded."

"Yes but he's almost t'rough!!"

"It'll be OK Jacky"

"Mark- he has a knife, he almost stabbed me downstairs!"

"Jack- calm down. Are you by your window?"

"Yeah... Wh-"

Jack looked down to see Mark there looking up.

"The cops are almost here baby. Push your bed towards the door and anything else."

Jack did as instructed and even took photographic evidence.

"Jack are you still there?! If your dead I'll kill you."

"I'm here"

He was still crying but he seemed calmer now that Mark was there too.

"Throw some of your clothes and belongings out of the window, you are not staying there anymore."

Jack threw boxes out of his room as he never unpacked, he threw his eyeball plush and quilt too. The only thing left was his sketch of Mark he did for his art project, that was by the door. His dad was still screaming. Jack frowned in determination and ran to the door and went to unpin it from the wall but not before his dad reached in with his knife and cut down the back of his hand. Jack howled in pain, but retrieved the picture, threw it out the window and picked up the phone.

"he cut me!! Mark he cut me.... Owe, owe, owe"

"It's OK Jackaboy, the cops are here."

Jack looked out the window.

"He's almost through Mark!!!!"

"Jack jump. Trust me."


"I'll catch you I promise."

Jack closed his eyes as his dad broke through the door and screamed in a heavy Irish accent.


Jack had to jump, or get stabbed in the back.

"Mark! Catch me!"

"I promise!"

Jack jumped out of the two story building just as his dad reached the window. Mark stood at the bottom, his arms wide spread to catch the person that ment the most to him. Jack landed on Mark knocking them both to the ground, Jack cried into his shirt, scared and wounded.

"Shhh Jack it's alright now. I've got you."

Mark cooed into his ear. He got up, holding Jack close. The cops were now inside the building arresting Jack's father. Ken and Wade were picking up Jacks things.

One of the cops walked to Mark and Jack and sat down, resting on the fence like Mark was doing with Jack on his lap, still crying.

"Thank you sir."

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