chapter 17

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Jericho: TRY TO STOP ME!

I quickly put up a barrier to block Jericho's attack. But it was cracking, I won't be able to hold it.

Mei: ....all of you. Get the humans and get out of here now!

All of them nodded and rushed off. That's when the barrier finally fell apart.

Mei: ....
Jericho: what's with that dumb look! How are you gonna fight me by yourself?!
Mei: ...

Jerico swung down at me again, but I managed to dodge it by leaping into the air. Jericho immediately leaped up after me and swung again. I blocked it, but his attack was so strong it knocked me back to the ground. I caught my footing but now he's attacking from above. I dodged another one of his attacks.
His power has grown strong but his defenses are weak. I took this chance to attack by swinging a kick right to his face...but it didn't work. It didn't even budge him.

Mei: kick didn't work?
Jericho: hehe heh..

Jericho swung at me again, this time with a lot more power. I managed to dodge it even from a close range.

Mei: ....
Jericho: are you just gonna only dodge like that forever?!

I saw that the form of his axe had change. Its a lot bigger and blood was around it. He rushed at me to attack again and again. I manage to deflect most of his attack, getting hits in here and there.

Jericho: is that all you've for?! Show me more!!

Something is wrong. It seems I'm not doing any damage to him. And his energy is getting even stronger.
I moved away from him, trying to regain my strength.

Jericho: your attacks were not bad at all. Keep attack me like that.
Mei: ...?!

It seems as though Jericho is badly hurt, but his energy keeps rising rapidly.
What the hell is going on?

Jericho: hey, what's with that face? Why are you so shocked? Did you not know about my power at all?

His power?
I knew that beserkers like war but I never knew what type of powers they had.

In the middle ofmy thoughts, I didn't realize Jericho threw his axe at me. I had little time to react, but I put up a small barrier. The force was so great, it knocked me to the ground.

Jericho: heh heh. It seems you really didn't know. The more I get hurt and bleed, the stronger I get!
Mei: ....

I could barely stand up. I haven't regain much energy. With Jericho's energy being negative, I'm gaining life slowly.
Jericho came at me and slashed the side of my shoulder.

Mei: ack!!

Then he kicked me with such brute force it nearly knocked me unconcsious.

Mei: .....
Jericho: you want to protect the humans but you have no power. Why do it? Nobody cares. Not the humans, not the nobles, or the must be tired now, huh? Let me put you out of your misery.
Mei: shut up...shut...your mouth...
Jericho: still got room to talk, huh? I'll just finish you off then!

Jericho swung down at me with all his might....but in that split second I was able to do something.

Jericho: ....!?

I was able to catch the axe with my teeth. Absorbing the shocking blow.

Jericho: what?!

I bit down as hard as I could and broke one side of the axe.
This action alone made Jericho back off.

Jericho: wow. You're holding out for a long time.
Mei: ...?

I managed to finally stand up. I feel as though I've gained a lot of energy. Was it because I absorbed the shock of Jericho's axe? .....or was it....
I looked down at the ring on my finger, and sure enough the crimson stone in it started to glow bright. Was the ring giving me the energy? It felt like a mild version of Rai's energy.

Jericho: your really getting on my nerves! Do you really think you can drive me into a corner?! I'll make this a hundred times more painful for you!!

Jericho attacked again, and just as last time...I caught the axe in between my teeth and broke the other side.

Jericho: what?!
Mei: ...your soul weapon is useless now.

I grabbed hold of his wrist with my left hand.

Jericho: I suddenly feeling weaker?
Mei: Those...who have sinned...and toyed with the lives of humans...will be punished.
Jericho: ...!
Mei: as the maiden of life...Jericho, I sentence you to become one with death.
Jericho: .....!

Jericho's left arm shattered apart.

Jericho: krgh !! You damn...

Jericho grabbed hold of my neck with his other hand But just as he did, it shattered too.
I placed my hand over his head.

Death: you called me here for this?
Mei: Its not very often I see you, death. Stop complaining.

I looked up and was face to face with death himself. A man draped in darkness, and with a sythe as sharp as sharks teeth, and eyes so dead there was no possible sign of life.
Death placed his sythe against Jericho's neck.

Jericho: ...what...the hell is this...?

Finally, the rest of Jericho's body shattered to pieces. And death absorbed him into his sythe.

Death: my job here is done...I'll be heading back....oh, and Life?

Life is the name I'm given by death, how convenient. I looked back at him.

Death: hurry up and make your decision. If your not around he may not have long.
Mei: ....?
Death: he's been waiting for you.
Mei: ....and your okay with that?
Death: life and death can never coexist, Mei.
Death: ....I know, Vince.
After everything was over, I stayed around to make sure everything was okay. The other four turned out to be missing clan leaders. Once they we're back to normal, they thanked me and left. The king and the prince were actually close family members, Jericho's mind control was what made them fall apart.

Calem: miss...will you be leaving. Your free to stay if you want?
Mei: I have to leave. Someone is waiting for me.
Calem: oh.

I looked down at the little boy.

Mei: ...your a very smart child.
Calem: ...?
Mei: you will be a fine king one day.

Mei: Noblesse's Maiden (noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now