chapter 11

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10 years later

I've explored half of Lukedonia by now.
Only half though. I managed to kill a giant wild bear for food.

Mei: damn bear put up a better fight than Kurnmark....

Even though ten years have passed, I haven't went back to see Rai. I still think about what Rai said to me.

Will you be my wife?

Will you be my wife?

Will you be my wife?

Thinking about this made my cheeks grow red. I've been avoiding and holding the urge to go and see Rai.

Mei: ...I can't keep avoiding this...

I made it back to my camp site, toting the dead bear over my shoulder.
Man, if I were human, it'd take ten of me to bring this thing back.
I tossed the bear off my shoulder and sat down an a log while letting out a long sigh.

Mei: Its near night time. Took me all day to find food.

I kicked the side of the bear only slightly.

Mei: sorry Mr. Bear, but it was either you or me.

I looked down at my left hand. I still had on the ring Rai gave me. Every time I looked at it I could feel my face heating up.
When did my life turn into a weird love story?
It feels strange.

Mei: I've never felt this way before.

I feel frustrated, conflicted.....but happy.

Muzaka: that looks like a mighty fine kill.

I flinched hard, and without Thinking, I swung a punch at whoever was behind me, bashing him in the nose. He fell hard backwards on to the ground, clutching his nose.

Muzaka: aaaaughh!!! Why did you do that?!
Muzaka: that was no reason to punch me!

Suddenly a bush started to move, I looked over and out popped the head of a child.

Mei: ...?
Ashleen: oh no! Dad!!!

The girl ran out and went to the man's side.

Ashleen: I told you doing that was dumb!
Muzaka: yeah. You were right, sorry.

He pulled his hand away from his nose, but it wasn't broken anymore. It fixed itself.
But I was more focused on the child.

Mei: that she a halfling?
Ashleen: can tell?
Mei: ....who are you?
Muzaka: its common courtesy to say your name first.
Muzaka: my names muzaka...and this little girl here is my daughter, ashleen.
Mei: ...daughter?
After the greeting, we all sat down to eat. I decided to share my kill with them.

Mei: your Lord of the werewolves...?
Muzaka: that's correct.
Mei: and your daughter is a halfling. half-human, half-werewolf?
Ashleen: also correct.
Mei: ...okay. I think I get the situation here. But your a clan leader, why are you all the way out here.
Muzaka: traveling with my daughter. I want to show her all of Lukedonia.
Mei: oh?

I looked at ashleen.

Mei: and how is it going?
Ashleen: bad! Dad keeps making us eat fish!

I giggled at how energetic she was.

Mei: oh, well that is bad. Kids like you need to eat a lot of meat to stay strong. Especially your father, since he is a werewolf.
Muzaka: hehehe...
Mei: well, have as much bear meat as you want, I got plenty if your really hungry.
Ashleen: thanks so much!!
Muzaka: so what are you doing out her all by yourself?
Mei: I'm also traveling around Lukedonia. I first came here 15 years ago. I've traveled the world mostly but I came to view a peaceful environment for once.
Muzaka: might have picked the wrong island to come to then.
Mei: you aren't wrong....

I glanced down at the ring on my finger and blushed a little.

Mei: but it's not too bad enough for me to explore's pretty interesting.
Ashleen: your by yourself. Are you traveling alone?
Mei: pretty much. Been traveling alone for a long time now.
Muzaka: that's sad.
Ashleen: dad!-
Muzaka: what's so fun about traveling by yourself? Its no fun if you don't have someone with you. Pathetic.
Ashleen: dad, stop insulting her.
Mei: nah, it's fine. I tell myself the same thing...
Ashleen: you couldn't think of anyone to come with you?
Mei: I thought of someone...he just wasn't sure about coming with me.
Muzaka: must be a boring guy?
Mei: he's pretty interesting if you ask me.

I smiled slightly.
When morning arrived, I helped muzaka and ashleen look for food before we went out separate ways. I got more aquainted with them over night.

I was with ashleen. We found a nearby apple tree.

Mei: ashleen, do you like apples.
Ashleen: I guess so, but meat is better.
Mei: well, you need a balance. Pretty girls need to eat healthy.

For once, I didn't feel like hopping on the tree. Improvement.

Mei: ashleen, would you like to help me.
Ashleen: ah? Sure.
Mei: come here then.

I reached out and picked her up, but in a slight moment I got a mental shock. I immediately let her go and winced back.

Ashleen: ...? Is everything alright, Mei?
Mei: oh no. I'm fine. Let's try this differently. You step on the palm of my hands and I hoist you up.
Ashleen: that sounds dangerous.
Mei: Only if you don't hook on to a branch in time.
Ashleen: wah?!
Mei: don't worry, I'm an excellent throw. If you fall, I promise I'll catch you.
Ashleen: r-really?
Mei: you can trust I don't think your dad would be happy if I let you get hurt.
Ashleen: ....o-okay...

I cupped my hands together and lowered them so her foot could reach. When she touched my shoulders I felt the shock again. But I tried to keep myself composed.

Mei: ready?
Ashleen: ...I think so...
Mei: okay. Here we go!

With not too much strength, I threw ashleen up in to the tree.

Mei: catch a branch quickly if you don't want to fall.

Ashleen did as I said and immediately took hold of a branch and climbed up.

Mei: that's great! Now put as many apples in the basket as you can.
Ashleen: okay!

As I watched ashleen put as many apples as she can in the basket, I kept thinking about that feeling I had.
What was that shock?
I was so deep in thought I couldn't hear ashleen call out my name.

Mei: ...! What...?

I whipped my head around, and came face to face with a giant unknowned monster.

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