chapter 3

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The monster threw a ferocious punch at the man but he managed to dodge it as it knocked over a tree instead. The man the slashed his sword at the monster and manger to cut it. The monster retaliated by hiting the man back.

None of his attacks aren't working.

Yuni: don't worry. He'll be able to slay the monster.

I looked down at the child.
Was she...praying.

Yuni: please...

The man was whamed back into a tree, then the beast charged at him. The man managed to dodge again and slashed the beast with his sword, but it was ineffective as the beast grabbed a tree and ripped it out of the ground and threw it at the man. He dodged it by hopping high into the air.
The beast then turned and started charging in our direction.

Man 1: the monster's coming this way!
Man 3: get ready to fight! If we dodge it, Yuni and the strangers with get hurt!
Man 1: hold your positions!

There's no way they'll be able to stop that monster's charge. I need to do something.
Suddenly the little girl his behind up and gripped the hem of Raizel's shirt.

Yuni: Its dangerous. Stay next to me. Don't be afraid.
Raizel: ...
Mei: ...
Man 1: it's coming!
Yuni: ...!

At that moment, I was about to attack but I stopped when I felt strong energy. I whipped my head to look a Raizel, and his eyes flashed red. The monster immediately stopped in it's tracks.

Mei: ...?

The yellow eyed man finally caught up and slashed through the monster. Killing it instantly.

Man 1: it's dead!
Man 2: woohoo!
Man 3: you're the best, sir! If not for you, I don't know what we would've done. I thought it was all over for us.

In the mixed of all their cheering, I looked at Raizel, astonishing. That blast of energy I felt came from him. He looked at me, knowing I had saw what he done.

Man 1: sir, do you think those bodies we found before were killed by this thing?
Kate: since it showed up not too far from the village, I'm worried that it might have done some damage back home.
Yuni: it's because we have him! And besides, what do we have to worry about when our God kurnac is watching over our village?
Man 3: you're right. Its a good thing the gods are on our side.

I couldn't help but stare at Raizel. It was shocking, astonishing, and powerful.

Man 1: do you think the people who got attacked have something to do with these strangers?

I broke my gaze with Raizel and looked at the yellow eyed Man.

Man 2: I'm not sure. There's no way to tell. What if he's not with them?
Kate: it doesn't matter. We're taking them with us because it's not safe to leave them here alone- not because they we're with those guys.
Man 3: you're right, sir. They don't seem very dangerous.
Man 2: plus their not even armed, and look. The guys alldressed up But he doesn't look like much of a fighter. And The girl looks to scrawny to even put up a fight.

So annoying.

Man 1: that's true. They don't seem very dangerous. The boy looks like a spoiled rich man and the girl's features reminds me of lansia.

They all laughed.
I was rather annoyed at their commentary.

Yuni: guys. I know they can't understand what you're saying, but don't you think you're being a bit mean?

I looked back up at Raizel. He was still staring down at me.

Kate: enough chit-chat. Let's keep moving.

The little girl came back up to us and pulled on the hem of our shirts lightly. Our attention was now on her.

Yuni: come on. You two might end up falling behind if you start daydreaming like that.
Kate: This way!
Yuni: hang in there. We'll be at the village soon.

The little girl dragged us on and we continued walking. But I couldn't help but look at Raizel from the corner of my eye.

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