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when luke woke up, michael was no where to be seen. he turned to the side to reach for the water bottle he'd had for when he woke up, when he noticed a note.

hey luke. i'm glad you didn't wake up before me. i'd have no idea how to tell you this in person.

i'm moving. i know it's a bit too soon, but i just can't keep living in a town that reminds me of so much pain. i'm sorry luke, i truly am. i just can't keep crying every night and then walk on like i'm fine.


luke's heart shattered. he turned to look at his clock. 6:30 AM. maybe there was still time.

he dashed out the door to knock on michael's door. there was still a chance that he could be at his apartment, right? knock knock. no answer. knock knock. no answer.

luke began to feel tears cloud his eyes and maybe he started to cry. maybe he slumped down onto the ground. he couldn't remember, he wouldn't remember.

he went back into his room. he slipped on an oversized p!atd tee and grey sweatpants (🔍👀) before speed walking out the door. he usually wouldn't use his car, but this was an emergency. he needed his michael back.

luke didn't know what flight michael was taking or where he was going. in fact, he realized, he didn't know anything about michael. he didn't know why he was always crying at night or why he suddenly moved into the apartment. he didn't know his age, he didn't know his birthday, he didn't even know his favorite color. so why was he going out of the way to find this boy he knew nothing about? to luke, that was the easiest question ever asked.

he loved michael. he loved that he knew nothing about him, he loved that he loved cranberry juice instead of milk. he loved his blue hair and jade eyes, he loved his bright red lips and his stubble. he loved that michael wore mascara and oversized sweaters. he loved michael, and to luke, that's all that really mattered.

so luke searched and searched. he searched for hours. not once did he see a tuft of blue hair. not once did he see the usual pastel sweater michael would wear. luke was breaking.

every minute he spent at that airport his heart would shatter. little by little he started losing hope in finding his mikey. little by little his confidence would break.

it was 10 AM when luke officially gave up. he sat down on a random chair, not even bothering to look at his surroundings. he was exhausted, mentally and physically. he thought he had finally found the one. he had finally found someone that seemed to at least like him back. but, once again, something had to go wrong.

so luke decided to fall asleep. maybe, if he was lucky, someone would come and wake him up before they shut the place down. as his eyes shuttered to a close, he could hear his name being called in the distance.

i'm probably just imagining things.

but then he heard it again. this time it was louder and he could detect the voice. the voice belonged to

"michael," luke jolted up and ran to his crush. "oh my god! michael, god, i thought i'd never see you again!"

luke could sense the eyes staring at him, and he could tell michael did, too. he dragged michael to a bathroom, so people wouldn't stare at them anymore.

luke pushed michael onto the wall. he brought michael's hands up over his head and collided their lips.

luke broke away, but then reattached his lips the boy he had become so fond of. "dont," kiss,"ever," kiss,"do," kiss,"that," kiss," again," ending the sentence with long, passionate make out session.

michael was breathless and breathtaking. luke liked seeing him like this, his body under his and his hands above him. he liked it a lot.

"i," michael breathed,"okay." he smiled and luke could feel his heart threatening to jump out of his chest.

he wouldn't mind feeling like this everyday.

700 words even. honestly not over the fact that i have 1k reads im still so excited! anyway, no i didn't forget you guys! i actually wrote this yesterday but something came up nd i couldnt finish until now!! love u guys take care

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