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luke's mind was hazy, a mess of too many memories and too little time. he rose up and immediately noticed his hands in chains and his feet tied to the chair he was sitting in. those memories found themselves in the right place in seconds and suddenly luke couldn't breathe.

he thought of his feelings for michael. he thought of how in love he was, about how when he looked into michael's eyes he could see home. he could see, while looking into the jade colored abyss of michael's eyes, that he belonged with michael. that he was supposed to be in those milky white arms and he was supposed to have michael's cherry red lips on his.

now all luke felt for michael was fear. he thought of how afraid he was. nothing could have been worse than the situation he was in now, not his bullies, not even his abusive dad. when looking at michael's eyes, black holes that seemed to crush luke's lungs and stab jaggers through his heart, he wished his mom wouldn't have stopped his dad that one day. he wished the principal didn't walk in while connor was beating him to death. he thought, death wouldn't be so bad, would it?

luke's thoughts were interrupted by the loud creaking of a door. the click click of heeled shoes could be heard as whoever opened the door made their way to luke.

the blond couldn't stop shuttering. his mind went to things he had seen in horror movies, the crazy maniac finally gets the perfect victim. he lets a tear slip from his eye and whimpers as a hand touches his shoulder.

"don't cry baby," a voice that luke knew all too well said, "it'll all be over before you know it!"

"michael," luke breathed, "why are you doing this to me? what did i do?"

michael stood for a moment, analyzing what luke had just said, before cackling. in a few moments, michael's cackles turned into wheezing and that wheezing turned to full on sobbing. he fell to luke's feet, his eyes back to the jade color luke fell in love with.

"luke," michael sighed, "luke, i love you. i want to be in love with you forever, but this is who i am. would you ever love someone like me?"

michael looked up to lock eyes with luke. the blond could see tears brimming in michael's eyes, and took that as a signal that michael was being sincere.

"michael, i love you for you," luke lied.

michael's body was replaced by air as he disappeared out of luke's vision. before luke could turn to look for the silver haired boy, cold hands wrapped themselves around luke's neck.

"that was a fucking lie! you don't love me, you're afraid of me! don't ever lie to me again."

luke couldn't breathe. the air was knocked out of him, literally and figuratively, and the hands weren't just on luke's neck, but instead 10 hands roamed his body, squeezing at pressure points that would make him fall to his knees if his legs weren't tied to a chair.

the hands held onto luke tighter and then let go completely, making it seem like it's over when really, it's just begun.

michael's body takes up the space which once held air. his eyes are still the soft jade color they were before, filled with affection and something else luke just can't place.

"i love you luke."

luke's heart screams at his brain, telling it to tell the truth. the truth is:

luke feels nothing for michael.

so he tells michael the truth.

his eyes turn to black again but there are no hands around his neck. he relaxes in his chair as michael speaks.

"is that how you truly feel? did you ever even love me?"

luke shook his head and decided that, if not tied down, his head would be in his hands.

"god, michael, you can't expect me to still be in love with you when you almost killed me like twice! i loved you but i can't be in love with someone who tracks me down in the middle of the night and abducts my friends!

i loved you. i loved your messy but perfect hair that was always a different color every time i saw you. i loved your eyes. i loved that they were jade but had the prettiest spot of blue in them. i loved that you wore mascara because it was cute and different and it really made your eyes pop.

yes, i loved you, but i can't love someone who's eyes are a shade of black so dark i feel blind. i can't love someone who could just snap and kill me at anytime of the day. that's what you are but that's not who you were. i'm sorry."

michael's face turned to one of distaste and hands were on luke again. but michael didn't leave his sight this time.

he begins to walk into the shade of the singular lightbulb above luke and, as far as luke can tell,  pulls out a blunt object out of his pocket. it's enough to send his anxiety over the edge and suddenly he can't breathe.

he fights the best he can to get out of the chains and ropes as michael, in a fit of giggles, tip toed to luke. he can't get far, though, because the hands grasp his neck tighter.

michael was now under the light, licked lips and crooked smile.

luke struggles, blood rushing to his head as .michael aims a screwdriver to luke's face.

"shh babe. it's gonna be okay."he swiftly moves the screwdriver from in front of luke to an inch from his eye.

luke screams but no one can hear him. no one will ever hear him.

his vision is blurred by the red of his own blood but michael isn't done yet. he twists the screwdriver further into luke's eye, veins snapping and blood spurting.

luke can only see black and soon he's out cold.


luke wakes up in a warm bed, michael shaking him awake.

"luke, you must've had a nightmare! are you okay?"

a nightmare?

luke nods feeling embarrassed to have woken up michael for such a childish reason.

he lies back on the bed, finding comfort in michael's arms. he notices that his left eye hurts but pays little attention to it. he drifts to sleep peacefully.

as luke falls asleep, michael grins with red eyes and sharp teeth.

AAA MILKMAN IS DONE !! i had so much fun with this story! thank you guys so much for so many reads n votes it means a lot to me!! also treat yourselves well and make sure to love urselves as much as u love others ok ALSO DID U GUYS NOTICE THAT I PULLED A MICHAEL JACKSON ON THE ENDING LOL ok bye fr

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