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when luke woke up that morning, he was in michael's house. his arms and legs were tangled with michael's and he couldn't help but stare fondly at the boy in front of him. michael made him happy. michael made luke's heart beat hard in his chest, and every time those jade eyes stared into his blue ones, he could see paradise.

luke made his way out of bed, careful not to wake michael, before leaving him on his own. he checked his phone and saw the time. 9:30AM. shit, the milk! luke thought. he ran into his apartment to retrieve his bag of milk cartons from his bag and sped out of the room.


after dropping the last carton off, luke decided to give michael a visit. he tried to convince himself that it was because he didn't leave a note and michael was probably worried, but in reality he just wanted to see the pretty boy.

he knocked a few times before hearing footsteps on the other side. luke was greeted with ruffled hair and puffy eyes.

"hi," luke said while scratching his head.

"hey," michael breathed.

michael's morning voice was hot and luke would be lying if he said it didn't turn him on.

"i-uh can i come in?"

michael didn't answer, he just opened the door wider and closed it as luke was in.

"why did you leave early?" luke felt a sudden urge to do something he knew he shouldn't as michael continued, "i woke up this morning and you were gone and i thought you didn't wanna be here and you ran of-" it was getting harder for luke to fight the urge,"f because you didn't want me and i was so scared and i'm rambling but why did you leave?" luke couldn't resist anymore. hands cupped on michael's chin, luke inched forward until his nose was touching michael's.

he could feel the sparks jolt through his body when his lips pressed to michael's. his heart sped to a pace he didn't think was healthy when michael kissed back. michael's arms draped over his neck and luke felt pure bliss in the moments following the kiss.

sorry to end this chapter in such a shitty way but i cant really think and i dont wanna have you guys wait another day for an update. aLSo thank you for 500+ reads and 80+ votes i love you guys lots thank you! have a nice day/night be good to yourself

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