Death Series

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Category: Magic, paranormal
Rating: 9/10

Currently the first part of this re-written series is complete; Death is my BFF.  This chapter will be updated as the author continues to finish the other parts. 

I have not head officially how many books there will be, but if it follows the original series, then there will be at least five. I have not read the original series, and I do not plan to. I am enjoying how it is written now, and I feel like if I try read how it was written before I will get to story lines mixed up, and end up not enjoying it.

I love this book because the character of Death is a combination of hilarious, sexy, and also terrifying. It's no wonder that the lead protagonist, Faith, is constantly confused as to what is happening in her life, and who it is that she can trust. Even as an outsider who is able to read the different perspectives, I am also confused on who she should trust. But to me that is what makes this so exciting to read.

Summary as written by the author:

The legendary, evil, arrogant, sarcastic, and irresistible Grim Reaper will do whatever it takes to get Faith Williams to be his. The problem? She has to sign his contract in her blood, and there's no way in Hell she's doing that without a fight.Death was once God's second favorite, below Lucifer, until he broke all of the Seven Deadly Sins and fell from Heaven. Now, his identity is masked by a curse and he is forced to collect souls. Faith Williams is not entirely human and Death will find out that she has an unimaginable amount of power. He will discover this by manipulating her dreams, her mind, her heart, and bringing her darkest fears to life.

There are no sparkling heroes in this story, or damsels in distress. For the first time, you will be able to put a face to both Death, and the Devil. For the first time, the villain might win.

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