Christopher velez(sad/cute)

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For ceci15morales

I was sitting around waiting for Christopher to come pick me up he said he wanted to go on a date and I agreed

But he was late by 5 minutes
But minutes turned to hours
And hours turned to days

It's been two day with no calls or texts from Christopher

I was anger I wanted to yell at him for forgetting about me I texted him but he left me on read

Then finally I get a text from him

"Meet me at lovers lane park see you soon babe" he had the audacity to call me babe after forgetting about me but I responded

"Ugh okay" then I just left as I was dressed in a sweater and sweatpants

I drove to the park and got out walking to where I saw him

"Chris why " I asked as he looked up at me

"Listen it's just a lot happened" he says looking down

"You couldn't text me or call you had me worried for days about you" I say sad and angry

"It's just I've been thinking" he says rubbing his hands and looking around

"You wanna break up" I asked getting angry

"No no no I love you it's just I was gonna do something two nights ago that I'm gonna do today" he says smiling

"And what is that" I say still sassy

Maria I remember 5 years ago I met you when I was 15 and I fell in love with you and finally after friend zoning me for almost a year you finally said yes and we have been dating for 4 and a half years and well I've been meaning to ask you something "

And with that he pulls a box out and gets down on one knee

"Maria morales will you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me" he says opening the box to reveal a beautiful yet simple ring

"Yes Chris I love you " I say then he puts the ring on my finger and gets up and kisses me

"I'm sorry Maria but I was scared you would reject me" he says chuckling me then kissing me

"I would never I love you too much" I say giggling and rapping my arms around his neck

"I love you a lot Maria" he says as we sit on the bench

"And I love you Chris " I say then grab his hand and kiss it

Once again I'm sorry for the sucky imagine but I hope you like it Maria 🙏🏼😭❤️❤️😘 and like always until my next imagine peace out and love y'all


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