Erick brian colon(coming face to face with your ex)

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For foxface8

Today I'm going to my friends house her names Kayla and I haven't seen her in 3 years and she just moved to Miami and I live in Orlando so I will drive there for the pool party that she's throwing

*****after driving and arriving there*****

"Omg hey Kayla I missed you so fucking much bitch" I say laughing and hugging her

"I missed you too my big booty bestie" she says laughing and hugging me tighter

"Come in" she says as she moves from the door

I walk in and walk in and hear laughing but boys laughing

"Hey Kayla there's boys here" I ask looking at her

"Of course Janet they're my friends tho" she says laughing

"Oh okay so where do I go to change" I ask looking at her

"Go right there it's a bathroom and come out to the yard it's right there" she says pointing outside

"K thanks brb" I say going into the bathroom

I change and walk out the bathroom and put my bag on her couch and go outside as I close the door everybody gets silent

"Um hi I'm Janet" I say waving at them

"Hey girl what's up" they all greet me so nicely and hug me

"You guys r so nice" I say laughing

"Well why wouldn't we be" says the boy I believed was Richard

"So now that we're all friends- wait where's Erick" Kayla says

My eyes go wide Erick oh I hope not Erick Brian Colón

"Um Erick as in Erick Brian Colón" I ask full of confusion

"Ugh yeah how do you know him" Johann asks

"Well he was my ex 3 years ago" I say awkwardly laughing

"What" all them say

"Yeah I never told you Kayla it's just after we broke up I didn't wanna think of him again " I say looking down

"Why'd you guys break up then" Kayla asks

"Well when I lived in New York he had to love to Florida and I couldn't see him leave me so i never told anybody because I wanted to forget about him but as soon as I forget about him he comes back into my life" I say laughing

"Oh wow" they all says then we hear the patio door open and I hear his voice

"Hey sorry I was looking for my phone and I couldn't find it" Erick says

"It's okay " Kayla responds

"Who's that" he says as I hear him get closer

Then I turn around and his eyes go wide

"Janet" he asks

"Yeah that's me " I say laughing

"Oh my god I missed you so much " he says then hugs me

"I missed you too" I say hugging back

Then he pulls away and kisses me and I felt explosions like the first time he kissed me

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean too " he says looking away

"No it's okay I missed that Erick like a lot" I say smiling

"Me too PRINCESA " he says kissing my cheek

"Okay please don't fuck in my yard" we hear Kayla interrupt and the boys laugh

"Stop it Kayla " I say laughing

Then after that we just hung the rest of the night having a lot of fun and Erick asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes

And we kissed like all night

Okay sorry Janet it was so short I just had some major writers block but I hope you liked it😘💖💕💞🙌🏼👌🏻 and remember you guys can request as much as you want 👌🏻😘 and yeah hope you liked it 😊☺️ and love you guys


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