f o u r .

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"how was your day, sweetheart?"

sarah tried her best not to cringe at the nickname. it felt so odd coming from him. the term was so romantic, and they were anything but.

she swallowed down the words she so wanted to release and forced a smile. "it was good john, and you?"

he let out a long dramatic sigh. "oh, just horrible. someone came into the meeting today and had the audacity to..."

she honestly tried her best to listen to what he was saying but eventually all of his words started to drift into what sounded like incoherent chatter in her mind.

she raised the porcelain to her mouth and smiled at him behind the cup pretending to listen.

i wonder if he can tell?

from the small bits that sarah was luckily able to catch onto, it had something to with the student council meeting - of course. it was always like that with john.

john marken.

sixteen years old. breathtakingly gorgeous. president of student body. baseball team captain. honor roll student. perfect gentleman... the list could go on and on, but to wrap it up, in her parents standards - he was the perfect boyfriend for sarah.

too bad in sarah's standards, he was boring. watching mold grow was more exciting than engaging in conversation with him.

all he did was blabber on and on about his future and school. in other words, he was just like her parents. 

they acted like there was else nothing equally important in the world then academics.

was it really wrong that she just wanted to live in the moment? to enjoy herself and actually have fun for once?

she wanted to do what other irresponsible teenagers did. get drunk, got to a party, stay out late..it all just sounded so good to her. she would of much rather be doing that then sitting with john.


my life sucks.


dedicated to Shaba_Smith because she's ridiculously funny and a great person.

i can't wait to write more of sarah. anyway, sorry it took a long time. my eyes are burning right now so i'm going to go to sleep. enjoy. vommit and choke, okay?

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