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My name is Sumer Rye. Friends call me Spectacular Rye. Boys call me Spectacular Ride. I'm not sure what my horse thinks of me, but I hope to her, I'm her best friend, I'm reliable, I'm home, I'm trustworthy, I'm confident, I'm kind, I'm supportive, I'm Sumer Rye.

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I dismounted my horse and led her over to the 3'10" jump. I let the pole drop and slid the cups up to 4'. Placing the pole back onto the cups, I mounted and breathed out. Patting Halfmoon's neck I cantered her around in a large circle and headed for my raised jump. 1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...I counted my strides as we got closer and closer to the poles. 3, 2, 1. I closed my eyes and released and for a brief second I was flying.

Flying..flying is my favorite thing to do and I feel bad for the people who have never experienced the clouds. I heard the soft thump thump of Halfmoon's hooves landing on the grass and my eyes opened. I patted her neck and slowed to a walk and glanced up at the sky. Clicking my tongue, I turned her in a circle and headed for the jump again.

1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3...I dropped the reigns on her neck and stretched my arms out to my sides like a bird. 3, 2, 1. I bent forwards a small bit to release and again I was flying.

Thump thump. I slowly dropped my arms to my sides and opened my eyes to hear clapping from the bench. I looked over and smiled at Grey, who had been watching me for the past half hour.

"How'd I do?" I asked, as I dismounted and wrapped Halfmoon's reigns around the arm of the bench. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Amazing." Grey pushed me back and held my shoulders. I reached out to rub Halfmoon's forehead but he didn't move. My hand stopped midair and I glanced up at Grey. His green eyes were staring deep into mine.

"Anyways," he said when he caught me looking. "You did great." He turned on his heel and walked away towards the trail that led back up to the house.

Me and Grey Garson had been friends for a while, or should I say, he was friends, I was friend zoned. He loved watching me ride and called me up a lot to ask if he could come ride with me or watch me jump. He was also in most of my classes in school, not to mention he was extremely smart.

I had two other horses, Aries and Bear. Aries was bought for me for my 14th birthday by my extremely rich uncle for a really high price. Maybe he was such a high price since he was so high maintenance. But I loved him no matter how stubborn he is, or how much of a pain he can be, or how many bones in my body he's broken.

Bear was nineteen years old, three years older then me. Grey loves that horse but he hates admitting it. Bear couldn't jump and he could only canter for short periods of time but Grey insisted on riding him even when I offered Halfmoon to him while I rode Aries. He claimed that he didn't want me to get hurt, since Aries freaked out on trails, but I don't think that was ever the reason.

I blinked twice and unwrapped Halfmoon's reigns from the bench and mounted, trotting up the trail after Grey.

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I sighed as I plopped down my lunchbox at my table and realizing I was the first one there I went over to talk to Grey.

As I approached his table I noticed Emily Brunsten was sitting next to him. I knew that Emily had been hanging on him for a while and I paused my journey to Grey and wondered if I should go up to them or not.

As he leaned in to whisper something in her ear, I bit my lip and turned around, quickly walking back to my table. I slid into the seat next to my best friend, Fern, and glanced back over at Grey, but my eyes darted back in seconds.

The rest of the seats at our table filled up in the next couple minutes, including Anna Texer, the fat ass bitch that was "popular" but I can't think of a child in this school who actually is her friend. And don't get me wrong, people don't just hate her because she's fat and as tall as Goliath, but she can be a bully without knowing it—or maybe she does but she couldn't care less—and she talks shit about basically the entire school, including other grades. Like for instance, I'm the preppy blonde bitch who thinks she can saddle up a horse. When I heard that one I tracked her down in between bells and punched her on the side of her forehead.

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