The Descision Part 1

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A giant purple portal forms Xander quickly runs inside it and it disappears. I look at the screen and he's walking down the long platform smiling he's so happy now that he knows I'll be here when he comes back for me. I smile , later on both our smiles will be gone when I leave and when he comes back.


Emma POV

This is so sad. My head is rested on Preston's shoulder my arm is still wrapped in a cast and tears stream down my face while I sit and watch. I can barely focus though my mind is actually everywhere but here. A thought sits right in the back of my head I know it's important because it won't go away and I grow agitated because I can't remember. There's a large screen in the way back of the auditorium showing live footage of Kaley watching  everything happening. I never noticed how big their senior class is they walk in the auditorium slowly one by one behind the call of their names. Amber being the valedictorian lead the senior class and has the very first seat in the very first row.

"Xander Myles Christian Pryde" Professor Xavier loudly says. "Myles?" I question glancing over at Preston who chuckles to himself. Xander walk out looking cute as ever his black gown makes his skin tone seem much brighter he has three cords one red, another gold, and the last one white. His smile is big showing off his large dimples on both cheeks, and his pearly white teeth. His brown hair flows from his cap in short loose curls he holds both his hands up in the air as if he were a champion we all laugh he points up to where we sit    then smiles before taking his seat I glance up at the large screen showing Kaley who is smiling vibrantly.I swear I love Xander too death it almost feels like he's the brother I never had. The rest of the names are called and the graduates sit in rows in front of the stage where Professor sit.

"Welcome Graduates, parents, family, and friends to the graduation of The University of Gifted Youngsters graduating class of 2015" Professor says receiving claps from around the room all I see is smiles. "We've come a long way, and things haven't been the best but you made it and now your officially the grown men and women  that you weren't when you arrived here as freshmen and I'm proud we're all proud." He continues "So I'm going to have a seat and let you all have a word from this years valedictorian Amber Wagner" he says loudly everyone in the room begin to while Amber stands to her feet and begins to make her way to the stage. Her hair has been straightened and it looks longer then normal almost blending in with her black cap and gown. I smile. She looks beautiful.

The spotlight shines down on her illuminating her face, she smiles while her eyes scan the room. "Good Afternoon esteemed faculty, family and friends of my fellow graduates" she says "It's an honor to be standing here before you all this afternoon on our final day as college students" she says with a precious smile.

"Now I know you all know I'm shy so feel free to laugh with me or at me while I briefly highlight our final four years together" she says earning laughs and giggles from the audience. "I know that this is our last opportunity to say what we want or have to say to each other and I didn't want it to be just about myself, which is why I asked majority of you all about your experience." Amber says.

"I know you all think that we'll live forever and we're suppose to feel like that we're graduating, but we're not immortal and that's what makes life special, because it ends." She says a tear dropping down the side of her face. "And I say it because time it's- its luck" she says "So don't waste it being someone your not, make it mean something, pursue your dreams fight for what matters most" she says finally bringing me to tears.

"It's so easy to be faithful on an amazing day like this but there will be dark days ahead of us too and that's where faith will be needed the most do not ever be discouraged, keep your faith, find friends who have your best interest at heart. No matter how bad things get or how lost and lonesome you become promise me and yourself that you will Hold onto faith" she says "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and we must be stronger then what we endure" she says. I glance over at Kurt who is smiling proudly at his sister and Bobby and Sky who both watch in ah. My head is resting on Preston's shoulder he looks moved by Amber speech.

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