I don't know what posses me to touch it but I do, it stings so bad, a whimper escapes my lips. It hurts me when I realize there's no one here for me to open my eyes too, "K-Kaley?" I hear I glance in the direction the voice came from turning over to Emma. She lays on her side facing me her hands combined as if she were praying and her head rested on top of them, she's in a hospital bed too wearing the same thing  as me. We wear a loose white hospital shirt with loose matching white pants. How did I not see her earlier? "Emma!" I say she doesn't move anything just her eyes, "Hey" she says "Hey, how are you feeling?" I question cringing at the pain, "I don't know" she says slowly blinking her eyes, "My arm feels better then it did last night, it still hurts just not as bad as it did" she answers.

"Oh" I nod slowly glancing at the ceiling, "But what about you how you doing?" She questions. I sigh, there's her answer. The door knob rattles and both our heads snap to the left, Professor walks and instantly what happened comes flooding back into my head. I was shot last night, bright and early this morning actually "Thank Goodness your awake" he wheels himself over to us hugging us both tightly. "Don't worry yourselves everything is perfectly fine-"

Professor POV

"DON'T" Emma says loudly before pausing, tiredness fatigue is evident in her voice. "Lie, Professor things would be more easier if we're all honest with each other, I don't think I can take another lie" she says almost weakly laying on her side. How did she know I was lying? Emma is a stronger telepath then I've thought, possibly even stronger then I in the future. I sigh as I look into both of their eyes staring intently at me, this is honestly gonna hurt me more then it hurts them. "Good news or bad news" I simply say looking away from them I can't see their faces when I tell them this. "Xavier- Professor this isn't a game just tell us" Kaley demands, the good news won't be pleasant to the ears anyways especially compared to the bad. I sigh once again "Dr. Strange is alive he escaped last night shortly after he.......shot you Kaley" I tell them that's the 'good' news. "The bullet you were shot with however contained small traces of the cure. "WHAT!" Kaley screams to the top of her lungs "No" she sighs shaking her head in disbelief, "I thought it was a bullet, the cure shouldn't have hurt that much" Kaley said "My thoughts exactly The Cure was infused with a bullet, Kaley your powers are gone" I say.

"The nurse says that the dose of The Cure wasn't strong enough and I'm waiting to hear from her because things may very well be temporary" I explain watching defeat spread across her face. I swallow so aggressively it hurts.
"What about Wenston? Where is he? He was there" Kaley questions, I instantly hurt at the mere mention of his name. "Wenston is gone, Dr. Strange took him shortly after he shot Kaley him along with your-" I stop myself, "Your Parents" I say causing them both to gasp. "At the rate things are going I'm not even sure there will be another school year, or that this school will even exist anymore after this at all" I honestly say. Things are already too dangerous and with my son and his cerebro powers being held captive everything's been taken up a notch higher. And before I put anymore of my students in danger I would gladly shut down the premises.

"You can't shut down the premises" Emma says loudly reading my thoughts, "What would that accomplish?" She questions sitting up from her bed. "Splitting up is what Strange wants, doing that would make it so much easier to take us out one by one." She says looking stern at me with those emerald eyes of hers. "United we stand and divided we fall is what I've learned so far as a student here, this is our safe haven we have here, if we don't have anywhere else to go, We have the numbers and I say it's time to stop running and time to shut the F.M.B. down once and for all." Emma speaks.

And she's absolutely right, I've work too hard to establish this foundation and I'm not giving it up as easily as I was just about to it's not going down without a fight.

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