So Kawaii! Kohinata Hozumi

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Ayyyyy! Guess who's back? It's me, I'm sorry I don't update much, I'll try to update more but work and College is so stressful. I already have 2 assessments 3 weeks into the first term :c. Without further procrastination, the next chapter:

I gaze out the window and start at the cherry blossom petals effortlessly dancing in the wind. I watch one in particular as it moves against the currents and floats to the ground gentle moving side to side. It is so close to hitting the ground when it falls on someone, it softly kisses the persons cheek and then slides off to safely land on the hard cement. I look at the person and examine his facial features. My breath hitches when I realise who it was. It was my long time crush. I've liked him for about a year now. He's walking alone in the school yard with his books being cradled by one arm and the other carrying his puppet. I continue to stare at him until something else takes my attention.
"(L-N)-San, would you like to read out this question for the class?" I shake my head to show that I wasn't listening. "That's what I thought, please pay more attention in class instead of making up daydreams in your head."
I sigh as I focus my attention on the board and listen to the teacher ramble on about something that I really wasn't interested in.

As I head to my next class, I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to the tap but no one was there. I see a pink petal resting on my jacket.
"I heard you like cherry blossoms and you seemed a little down, so I brought you one."
The voice came from the other side of my shoulder and my head whips around to see Hozumi-Kun walking a little bit behind me. I smile at him as I feel a singular pump of blood rush to my cheeks. I've spoken to him a multitude of times but I can never seem to get use to it. Well, it wasn't really me talking to him, he does most of the talking. I'm too afraid that I'll say something wrong and make him hate me, so I stay quiet. Even though I stay quiet, he doesn't seem to mind, if he did, he wouldn't talk to me.
"What's got you down lately? Maybe I can help?"
I feel like I should tell him that he's the reason, that the fact that I'm too scared to confess my feeling for him is bringing down my attitude and any sort of happiness that I contain.
W-well, actually. It's the person I like. I-I just can't seem to get close to him and I don't know what to do." But I don't, I'm too much of a coward.
"Well, who is it? Maybe I can help you?"
I shake my head. I won't tell him, it'll only end in rejection.
"I might not be the guy you want to get close to or some Prince Charming that will carry you off into the sunset, but (F/N)-San, I do know that I want to see you happy and I would do anything for that, so even though I may not be the person of your dreams, will you date me?"

I can feel the blush appearing and the urge to hug the precious cinnamon roll in front of me grow.
"You're wrong." My voice is meek and timid. "You are the person of my dreams." I look up at him with puppy eyes. It takes him a minute but then his face lights up. He gentle wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. He gradually gets tighter and tight until he releases me.
"I'm so happy." He kisses my forehead.
I'm also very happy. And one day, I'll be able to tell him that without fear or doubt.

Stride one shots~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt