You can't have her! Heath-Senpai

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You had been working for this woman for a long time. She owned 3 brands and was very famous. You felt so gifted to work for her at such a young age. She let you do your job when you weren't at school so after school or on weekends. Your job was to assist her with paperwork or to run errands. Some times when she was lacking staff, she would get you to model. She thought you were so good that she offered you a full time job as a model. You having the low self-esteem that you did, didn't accept it. Imagine you on a billboard for the whole of Japan to see. You shivered at it. She kept on asking you about modelling for her though. She would constantly repeat about how good you would look in a model shoot with her brother and how she would introduce you. You weren't that interested. Just about to go into Hōnan highschool, you just wanted to focus on work and studies.

It has finally came, your first day of school. You fussed over which club to join. Of course you didn't have to decide straight away but it was preferred.

You didn't end up picking a club that day but you did make a friend. Her name was Sakurai. She was super friendly and really nice. She had to leave half way through talking due to her club. You had spoken to her the next day as well, and today too. Today she actually offered for you to join her club in a trip to go see a sponsor for the club but you refused due to having work.

At work, your boss was setting up a model shoot for her new clothing when a bunch of people walked in. You looked at them, observing each of them until you noticed your friend. She spotted you too and walked up to you.
"What are you doing here?" Her face held her usual smile.
"What am I doing here? I work here, why are you here?" Before she could answer, your boss called you. You excused yourself from Sakurai and went over to the boss.
"(L/N), this is my brother." You look to where she is pointing and bow to him. "You will be modelling with him today." You nod in reply. You then get pulled into a dressing room, get dressed and get pushed back out. When you saw the bosses brother, you blushed. He then spotted you and walked over.
"The name is Heath. I'm a third year at Hōnan high school." You nod.
"My name is (L/N) (F/N). It's very nice to meet you Heath-Senpai." You then bow again as he chuckles. You start blushing again. He was very attractive.
As Heath goes to speak again, he's interrupted. "I'm Riku Yagami! It's a pleasure to meet you!" You nod at him and go to introduce yourself but then someone starts pushing you. You look behind you to see the photographer.
"It's your turn!" Heath is following behind him.

The photo shoot went off perfectly and the club even asked you to join which you gladly accepted. You even watched them race the other team and lose which was sad but they still did amazing. Unfortunately, the boys were quite upset. Until of course your boss came in with a new brand for them. Everyone started to cheer up. Everyone's spirits were back. You all decided to go out and eat together. Your boss even let you off work for it.

Once everyone was finished with dinner, you all went separate ways to go home.
As you started walking off, Riku called out to you. You turned around, "let me walk you home! I couldn't let a cutie like you walk home alone, you might get kidnapped." He went to grab your hand and walk with you but stopped.
"Sorry, Yagami." He placed his arm around you. "I've given you Sakurai but this one is mine. Don't worry, I'll be walking this cutie home." Yagami nodded as he ran to catch up to Sakurai. Heath then turned both of you around and took his hand off your shoulder. The cold wind then hit where his arm was resting. You wanted him to place it back there but you were too shy to say anything. Half way to your house, you stopped. Heath stopped to.
"Heath-Senpai" you look up at him. "Why did you say that I was yours?"
He scratched his cheek nervously and adverted his gaze. "Well. I was actually planning to confess to you before we got to your house and I couldn't do that if he was around so I told him that you were mine. I'm sorry that I didn't consider your feelings." You took a step towards him but then stopped. You then started a little faster and covered the small distance between you. You pulled him into your embrace. Your face turned red as did his. You then looked up to him again. You placed your hands on his cheeks and started pulling him towards you. Your lips touched his soft ones and it became a passionate kiss.
"I'll take that as a yes, then?" You giggled and nodded.

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