27: It's just the start

Start from the beginning

I had a lot of issues with Bethe after the fight, heck even before it. She said that I was using steroids. But Dana knows the truth, a week before a fight, the opponents are needed to be checked up. An official UFC doctor then a regular doctor, then the result will be passed 3 days before the fight. But just to make sure, a day before a fight, we would be checked up again. At the morning, it would be pass again.
If it's clear, no signs of ANY drug uses, we're good to go. If there is, you have to pay the fine. $30,000 for your opponent and $250,000 for the company then the fight would be canceled.

The WWE -well Summer- says that UFC fighters spoof each other out, she actually believed her. But oh well, a stupid would be a stupid, even though there are evidences, they refuse to believe the truth because they assume that they're always right. Which is kinda stupid


I walk in the studios with James who is tailing behind me. A couple of the crew welcomed me and told me what was going to happen

"So our theme is obviously Halloween, so what we think about is that you'll be a fallen angel. Since that was on the online poll, then a character of your choice and a one on one interview with of course your diet and health" one of them explained while we walk to the makeup room. He open the door for me then I went inside, I shook the hands that was offered then I saw down in front of a dressing table, the one with lights surrounding the mirror

I chatted with the people fixing my hair and makeup while I sneakily took a picture of us. My tongue was out and my hair was currently getting curled out while the one doing my makeup was helping the wardrobe

alphajade: Muscles and Fitness hair and makeup crew are the best! You'll get your face look like a human then not get bored! Had a nice chit-chat with them #MusclesandFitness #MusclesandFitnessHalloween #Halloween

I thanked her after then they gave me my clothes, it was a Black corset with fringes on the bottom, Black mini skirt, Black see-through gloves up to my elbow then Black wings.

They helped me put them and then they handed me Black heels

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They helped me put them and then they handed me Black heels. I thanked them then they did some finishing touches

I walk out the room a minute later, heels and I don't work honestly. I walked to the set, which is an abandoned scenery –like an abandoned building- it has a fountain that was very old with a scary old looking tree as a background

"This is very awesome" I said as the photographer helped me do the poses. They adjusted the lightning and the shades. I change the weight on each of my feet since they were taking too long. After about 5 minutes, they settled down.

"Can you do a pose where it shows off your flexibility

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"Can you do a pose where it shows off your flexibility. Like a simple yet very flexible looking." The photographer said and I did. I faced them by my back and made sure that my body was stretched out

"Nicely done! Okay, let's move to the tree" the photographer yelled after snapping 3 shots then I walked to the tree. I leaned over and it took 3 shots. I was asked to walk over and sit down on the fountain, I did then did another pose

It wasn't as long as I expected though, after that, I suited up for a Joker costume and went to another background.

After 3 poses, the interviewer walked up to me and I sat down in front of him while still sitting on the fountain

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After 3 poses, the interviewer walked up to me and I sat down in front of him while still sitting on the fountain. Then he started to ask questions

"So, many are wondering, what is your diet? Especially since you fight, extra baggage isn't quite needed." He asked and removed his eyes from his notepad

"I don't really do diet you know. Not a strict one. I could eat everything I want as long as I know it would burn out the day after, eating greens are necessary but exercise is way more important." I answered

"So we had a poll, on the pole is a question. We made the people choose what character they see in you, 93 over 105 said Fallen Angel. We would like to hear your opinion on that one"

"On my perspective, I feel like it's because I was at the most safest wrestling company then went to a place where your face would be destroyed if you don't know where your foot will land. From heaven to hell" I explained and he nodded

"Thank you for having your time with us, would be looking forward for more" he greeted then stood up. He lend his hand out and we shook hands


"So, you'll be having another fight within 2 weeks against Miesha Tate. Just before her, you had a heated and personal fight with Bethe. Why do you think they're doing this?" Jimmy asked Jade, I mean Alpha

"They love provoking people, they love provoking people who are stronger than them because that's the only way they're going to come out on top." Alpha answers. The crowd applauded then she smiled while she shrugged her shoulders "I mean it's true. Everyone knows that around Bethe's fight, I was dealing with snake problems. So she thought that I've backed down and I don't know if she lay low or something." She continues, the snake was me. I know it, know it more than everything. She calls me snake before, when we were still together

"Very well said, anyways, we have a picture from Conor Mcgregor's instagram account. And the caption says 'I can't believe someone can replace this goddamn woman. If I was HIM, I would never let her go. I would cage her inside my $3.5 million dollars Lamborghini.'" Jimmy read out while the picture with the caption showed on the screen. It faded then the camera landed back on Alpha

"Are you Two dating?" Jimmy asked straight forward, the crowd teased her while Alpha laughed, throwing her head back while doing so. God I miss that laugh more than anything

"No, no. We're not dating, we're just really close. And people believe me on this one, alright? He is just bloating out his new car and how much it costs. We all know how Conor works, don't act he doesn't posts his cars on instagram." She answers while moving her hands around

"That is I can say a very interesting friendship." Jimmy says. The picture is Alpha sitting beside Conor on the hood of his Lamborghini. They were on side view with the lights of the car open and they were both laughing, just by looking at it, she clearly shows that she's enjoying his company. "Who took the picture though?" Jimmy asked while looking at the picture itself.

"His trainer." She answered with ease "Me and him, along with our trainers, tag along quite often." The show went on but the tv was turn off. I look behind me with a pissed of expression and saw Kim with her hands on her waist "I was watching"

"-my ex" she mocked me then I stood up, I walked in front of her and snatch the remote from her hands. "So what if I'm watching my ex?" I asked giving her an attitude, I miss Alpha sometimes. No scratch that, everytime

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