Kise Ryõta | Chocolate

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Kise was sulking. His usual annoyingly cheerful demeanor had vanished. While he was no longer noisy during practice and causing unnecessary ruckus, his usual amazing skills were deteriorated as well. Akashi didn't know whether to be glad of the sudden change or not.

It all started last Valentines Day. Although he appeared happy during the morning, all the positive aura disappeared by the end of the day.

Kuroko and the rest of the GoM didn't exactly know what happened, but the cunning redhead could guess why.

And today, they have an after school practice game with another school. They needed Kise as he, Kuroko, Midorima, Nijimura, and Akashi will be playing.


You were on your way to your club after classes ended when suddenly, some members of the basketball team approached you.

"(Y/n)-chan, could you come with us for a moment?" Kuroko asked, bowing politely as always.

"Huh? Me?" You pointed to yourself.

"It seems you have created a slight problem unconsciously resulting in my teammate's depression." Akashi explained further. "It will cost us a huge toll if we don't aid to it quickly."

You became nervous. "What? What did I do?"

"Ryõta is sulking." He replied in as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

You frowned at the mention of your bestfriend. "What? But I didn't do anything to him."

Akashi looked you in the eye. "Exactly my point, (Y/n). You didn't do anything to him."

Then they began dragging you away despite your protests.

Kise was sat on one of the benches at the gym when they all arrived including the opposing school. His eyes were without shine and was quiet. He was so out of it that he didn't even notice your presence.

Akashi ordered you to watch their game and cheer for Kise. But you being the shy type, stood by the sides stoic and scared as the game commenced.

The blonde copycat was clearly not in the best shape, you noticed. The ball gets stolen everytime he has it, his speed decreased, and he's missing his momentum. You didn't know what you did wrong that Akashi blamed you for it. And now as you continue to watch the game, it was disturbing to think you were the reason.

Slowly, even though you were shaking, you began to cheer him up. "Go Kise!" You screamed above the other girls who were madly cheering for him.

And just when you thought your voice was drowned under the noise, Kise's head turned, frantically searching for you. He heard you loud and clear. Finally, when he eyes whipped to your direction, he beamed. The first smile he ever produced after several of moping.

Akashi smirked. "Okay, we now have Kise back. It's time to counter."

The game ended with Teiko winning. 167-56. A total defeat for the other school.

"(Y/n)cchi!" Kise exclaimed, giving you a hug.

"What the hell Ryõta! What happened to you just a while ago? You seem distracted." You scolded, pinching his stomach.

Your blonde best friend just smiled sheepishly, his hands stroking your sides in a comforting manner. Well, in this sense, he was rather conforting himself with the feel of you.
"I-it's nothing..." He muttered.

Suddenly, Nijimura interupted before leaving. "He was sulking because he didn't recieve any chocolates from you last Valentines Day, while Akashi and I did."

You scowled at Kise. "I made you one actually."

He beamed. "Really?"

"But I figured you wouldn't want to it after all the chocolates you recieved from your fans." This time, it was you who began to sulk.

Kise frowned, hugging you again. "(Y/n)cchi... I didn't even eat any of the ones they gave me. I gave it all to Murasakibaracchi. I only want yours."

You blushed. Despite the constant banter and exchange of love gestures between you and your bestfriend, you always thought he just view you at that and nothing more. Looks like you were wrong.

"Can I have it then?"

You looked up at him. "Huh?"

"The chocolate you made me, can I still have it?"

"I already gave it Aomine-kun."

"Eeehhh! Make me one again!"

You smiled. "Sure."

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