Himuro Tatsuya | Misunderstanding

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a/n: i'm sorry for the oocness of my one shots. teehee! comment below your thoughts!


"Muro-chin, you look like you could use some candy? Here..." Himuro was taken aback by his titan friend. Well, who wouldn't? Murasakibara doesn't exactly share his snacks and candies with anybody. So this offer was quite astonishing.

However, Himuro wasn't exactly in the mood. So with a small smile, he politely waved his hand as gesture of no. "Thanks Atsushi, but I'm fine."

"Eehhh..." Murasakibara drawled lazily and turned his gaze back to the snow-covered road as they both head home. "You've been out of it since yesterday."

Himuro sighed, wisps of his hot breath coming out like smoke. "It's just that... Well... (Your/name)'s not answering my calls and texts for 2 nights already, I think she blocked my number. And she's been absent for 2 days now."

The purple headed giant scratched his head before popping a pocky stick into his mouth. "Aahhh... Just as I thought."

Himuro sighed once again, heavier this time. "I... I don't know what's happening to her. You think she got mad at me when I didn't walk her home last Monday?"

"I dunno..." Murasakibara shrugged, grabbing another pocky stick from the box but there was no more, so he pulled another box from his fluffy coat.
"Muro-chin if you're that worried about (Y/n)-chin, you should go visit her house."

"Exactly my plan."

Meanwhile, you were lazily lounging at your bedroom, talking to your best friend on the phone.

"Well, will you be alright by yourself? You want me to bring you food or something?" Your best friend asked at the other end of the line.

"No, no." Your voice came out muffled due to your clogged nose. "I'll be fine. Mom bought a lot of food before she went on business trip yesterday so I'm fine. Anyway, did we have any assignments?"

"Yeah. English. But that's about it. Oh yeah... Are you sure you're alright blocking Himuro-kun's texts and calls? You know he's been worried about you. He's been asking me nonstop since yesterday about you."

Tears started to form in your eyes at the mention of his name. "What did you say?"

"I just told him I have no idea why you were absent." She replied.

"Ok good." You huffed.

Two days ago, after school, Monday to be specific, Himuro told you he won't be able to walk you home cause he was meeting up with a coach of his from American who paid a visit to Akita after being in Tokyo. You didn't mind much of it since you've been with Himuro for quite a few months now, plus you weren't one of those girlfriends who goes suspicious in a matter of seconds.

But then, your mother told you to pick up some stuffs which she bought online from the post office, so you did a little round walk and headed to town.

When you passed by the tea shop you, Himuro, and Murasakibara used to hang out at, you saw your boyfriend there with another girl who's way much prettier than you. The girl seemed touchy a little bit much than necessary and that how you ended up spending 4 hours crying at the snow-covered park nearby.

Hence, causing you to catch a cold.

"(Y/n)... Are you sure of what you saw? You know it must've been someone else. Himuro-kun's too good to cheat on you like that." Your bestfriend asked, concern lacing her voice.

"(Bestfriend's name)..." You cried. "I know it's him. I just... I don't know what to do now."

Suddenly, the doorbell buzzed.

"Someone's at the door. I'll call you later tonight."

"Okay." With that, you hung up. You gazed at yourself in the mirror, trying to fix your hair and rubbing your eyes to look a little bit decent before heading downstairs.

But then, you weren't expecting Himuro awaiting at the side of the door.

"(Y/n)...?" He asked, his eyes searching your face. And on reflex, you shut the door but he quickly caught it. "(Y/n) what's wrong?"

You looked down when the door opened once again and you were pushed inside as he let himself in, closing the door behind him. "What're you doing here?" You asked, instead of replying to his question.

"What?" He gripped your forearms. "What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm worried about you. You blocked my number and you're not responding to my messages in Facebook."

"Why..." Tears began to fall and you claspd your hands together tightly. "...why are...you worried when..."
You weren't exactly one to get mad easily. You were more on the softie side and just tend to cry in situations like this.

Himuro doesn't have any idea what was happening to you or why you were crying but like the good boyfriend that he is, he quickly enveloped you in his arms as tight as he can without breaking any of your bones.

"Sshhh..." He murmured softly, pushing your head to rest underneath his chin. "(Y/n)... I'm here... I'm here (Y/n)... It's okay... Whatever I did wrong, I'm so sorry... I love you..."

For quite half an hour, you both stood there at the lobby, Himuro was waiting for you til you finished crying. Finally, when you did, he carried you to the living and set you on his lap as he sat on the couch.

"So..." He began, tilting your chin up to look at him. "Mind telling me what's going on?"

You lightly brushed his fingers off your chin and just looked down once again. "Do you..." You started off but swallowed in fear of his reply. "Are you seeing someone other than me?"

This surprised him. What gave you the idea to think like that? Why were you asking such a question? Did he do something wrong? Himuro tried to get any recollection that could cause this or cause a doubt to bloom within but he couldn't think of anything.

You on the other, took his silence by mistake and once again, you started to cry thinking he may have been cheating on you. Or worse, he was cheating on someone through you. Honestly, you thought the 2nd option was unbearable. You didn't want to be called a bitch or snitch or anything like those.

"(Y/n)..." Himuro pulled you closer to his chest. "What made you think of that? Why would I cheat on you?"

You shook your head, refusing to look him in the eye. "But... I saw you with someone... the other day." There. You said it.

And finally, everything made sense to Himuro. He chuckled at the misunderstanding, despite knowing full well it was his fault for not explaining things clearer to you, he couldn't help it.

At the sound of his laughter, you quickly pinched his stomach and gave him a pout as you finally look up at him, causing him to stop laughing.

"Sorry." He said with a really happy smile then leaned down til the tip of your noses touched. "(Y/n), that was my coach you most likely saw. She's like way waaay older than me and Taiga. More like an aunt. And I'd die if I ever cheat on you. I love you and I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon. Or at all for that matter."

At this little clearing of misunderstanding and his declaration of love, you began to tear up once again.

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