Chapter 24

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Dire silence enveloped them as they drove down the dark street. Angelica couldn’t bring herself to speak. She couldn’t do so knowing the words that would come out of her mouth would not be to Henry’s liking. Her breathing was getting heavy as she saw the familiar street of her neighborhood—yes, her neighborhood, not Henry’s.

God, the guy was not willing to buy them more time. He was that eager to part ways? Shit, she was feeling crappy all of a sudden. She could feel a lump in her throat. Why did it have to happen so fast? Why did he have to take her home now? Why?

She wanted to tell him there could still be enemies lurking around, but she knew there wasn’t anyone else free to harm her.

“Wow, you’re really taking me home,” she uttered, clearing her throat, fighting the lump building up inside.

She couldn’t look at him, so she just stared ahead through the windshield.

“You’ll be safe now,” he said, almost in a whisper. “But I’ve assigned a few men to watch after you for a few weeks until everyone is behind bar.”

She just nodded. One stupid drop of tear dropped down from her eyes without rolling down her cheek. She couldn’t breathe so she sniffed and with haste, she dried her eyes.


Of course he saw it and he turned to throw her a glance. He looked away and focused his eyes on the road. He couldn’t stand seeing Angelica Dalton crying.

“You know this is eventually going to happen, Angelica,” his voice was gentle but hoarse.

“Yes, you were so clear on that, I know,” she nodded, sighing.

“You’re crying.” That was just plain stupid of him to point that out.

“I know how to cry,” she snapped. “But why?”

He couldn’t process her question right now, but he got a good feeling what she was talking about. “Why what?”

“Why do you have to send me back?”

“Because it is what’s right,” he answered.

“Because you have too many skeletons? And they concern me? I think I can handle that,” she insisted, sniffing.

He wanted to keep her away because he couldn’t live with her knowing he was responsible for one of her loss. She wouldn’t forgive him.

“Did you do something wrong?” she asked, this time her voice was desperate. “Henry, I can forgive you. It couldn’t be that bad.”

Henry stepped on the brake too harshly and both of them almost fell over against the dashboard.

He took a deep breath and held it in.

“What? Just tell me why,” she didn’t dare hide her tears anymore. She looked at him boldly, making him see how he was hurting her right now.

He felt a pang in his chest.

“You can never forgive me,” he said with a touch of sureness.

“I didn’t know you before everything happened. How can you do something that would hurt me?”

He looked at her sharply, “Because it happened before you knew me.”

She squared her shoulders, “Tell me. Tell me now.”


“Is it about my father?” Angelica asked.

“No, but it was because of him,” his face looked rigid now and she had the urge to touch them, to soften every corner.

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