he knows she'll make it

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The night went slower than I would have personally liked it to. Bryana and I finished Love, Rosie in silence and just lied in bed without talking to each other.

"Evie, I'm sorry", Bry whispered in the darkness.
But instead of accepting her apology, I decided to shoot a question towards her.
"I thought you went to the bathroom when I was getting us water, you know? But I could have sworn I heard you running upstairs when Ash was in my room?".

Silence filled the room for about another minute.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", Bryana replied, trying to play it cool.
"Oh, okay", I replied, putting it to the back of my mind.
Why would she lie about something so petty? She's probably telling me the truth, I thought to myself. Bry and I have been friends since the beginning of high school, and she wouldn't lie to me about stupid stuff like that.

Before I knew it, Bryana was sound asleep, so I decided to go in Instagram until I felt tired.
Bring me, I decided to do what any teenage girl with a crush would do; stalk Ashton's Instagram.

I typed in @AshtonIrwin and began to scroll through his pictures. Around 10 minutes later, I had gotten to his first ever picture, and it was so cute. I stared at it for a few seconds before deciding to scroll up.

But before I knew it, the worst thing that could ever have happened, happened.

The familiar white heart which indicated you had liked a picture filled my phone screen.

My eyes widened in embarrassment and I quickly unliked it. But I knew it was no use; the notification that I had liked one of his pictures from 225 weeks ago would still come up on his phone. Damn it.

I made sure I got off his Instagram page, and straight after I did that, a Twitter notification appeared on the top of my phone screen, mentioning something about Ashton.

I clicked on the notification worriedly, and to my horror and excitement, it lead me to a DM from Ashton.


I see you're 225 weeks deep into my Instagram profile.

Oh God. This is not happening.

Even though the message was embellished with mockery, my heart still fluttered.


Why are you awake?


Because it's midnight and I'm not a loser


Anyway, why were you stalking my Instagram?

I decided that it'd be better to be honest and just admit that I was looking at his profile, everybody has done it, right?


I was just looking at your profile, Ash. Don't try and tell me that you've never done it to someone


I like your honesty, Evie. And can I ask you a question?




Do you really think the band sounds bad?


Of course I don't Ash! You sound amazing! Bry was just overreacting as per usual haha(:


And can I ask you a question?




How come sometimes you push me away but sometimes you seem so close to me? I mean, not close, but it's weird I can't explain it


What do you mean?..


Why does your mood change so much


My mood changes? Wow! I'm a normal human being with normal emotions! Surprising, right?
I get it, you stalk my Instagram profile and then ask me personal questions. You don't even know me


Personal questions? I just want to know why you're rude to me sometimes. And I didn't mean it that way... Is there any way I could make it up to you?


Buy me a Starbucks tomorrow. At 11am

I read the DM and felt my heart flutter. I'm meeting Ashton in Starbucks tomorrow.

I need to mentally note to thank Bryana for being horrible about Ash and embarrassing me, because it's lead to Ashton meeting up with me in Starbucks. Wow.

A/n: thanks for reading guys! Vote and comment so the next chapter can be posted! Love you all Xx

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