Chapter 3: Deucalion, The Demon-Wolf

Start from the beginning

"O-ok." I say, opening my mouth and closing it a bunch, trying to think of what to say. "What-- what do we do now?" I ask finally.

"Now, I train you." Derek says, walking over to me. 

"You sure?" I ask nervously. "Like, do you want to?"

"No." He says, earning glares from Scott and Stiles. 

"But he's still going to teach you." Scott growls at Derek who shrugs. 

"You'll be staying with me." He says.

"What? Why?" I ask, scooting backwards.

"Because new werewolves tend to get into trouble. I need to keep my eye on you." He says as Scott helps me off the table.

"Um, ok." I say, looking down.

"Hey." Scott says, gaining my attention. I look up at him as he says, "It's not a bad thing."

"Yeah." I sigh before turning to Derek. "Lead the way." 


The moment I walk into Derek's loft and put down my bag, I am slammed into a wall by Derek. I fall to the ground and get up quickly. "Why'd you do that?"

"I gotta make you angry." He shrugs before a girl walks towards me. "Meet my sister Cora." 

"Hello." I say, backing away.

"She survived?" Cora muses, watching me. "This'll be fun." She runs up to me and starts to throw me around the room. I don't fight back, I just let it happen.

"That's interesting." I hear Derek mumble before stopping his sister. "Hitting her won't do any good." 

"He's right." A new voice says. I look up from my position on the floor and see Peter sitting on the couch. Cora groans in annoyance and goes back to her brother as I stand up, tired. 

"Any suggestions?" Cora asks her family. 

"Try getting to her mentally." Peter says, watching me like a hawk watches it's prey.

"You know Scott was lying right?" Derek says.

"About what?" I ask, feeling a bruise forming on my ribs. 

"About wanting to help you." He says. I clench my jaw but otherwise stay calm. "I bet all he wants is for you to leave."

"That's fine." I say, getting slightly upset.

"If you actually believe that, you're an idiot." Cora says, smirking. 

"He was thriving when you left for the summer. Wasn't he?" Derek asks his uncle.

"Oh yeah. He even went to a few parties." Peter smirks.

"That's what teenage boys do." I shrug, feeling myself clench my fists. 

"You know, maybe the person who bit you was looking for him." Peter says, changing subjects. "Maybe he went looking for Scott, but got you." He cocks his head as the Hales look at me. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, my muscles tensing. 

"I mean, whoever bit you could have wanted to kill someone. I mean, why else were they here?" Derek says. "Maybe they were here for a human, like Stiles." I take in a deep breath, feeling the anger bubble inside me. 

"Or, they could be coming for alphas, like Derek." Peter says, walking towards me. I straighten up before he says, "Or they came for Scott."

"Shut up." I spit in responce to his smirk. The minute I say it, the pipe above me bursts. Peter and I jump back as water starts to pool at our feet. 

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