I moved.

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🔥Beth's Prov:

I thought going to visit Parrish would be fun. But its not looking like that at the moment. I thought that it was time I showed Parrish to JJ and Al but my car is dead. For the first time in years. In the middle of the street. The middle of no where. In the dark. Basically it was starting to look like the beginning of a horror movie. I got out of the car, Al and JJ following me. JJ opened his wings and grabbed onto Al lifting him up and dropping him on my shoulder. Then JJ sat on my other.

I huffed as I lifted the hood of my car up. "I don't see how this happened..." I mumbled. I bent over to get a better look. Nothing seemed to be wrong till I saw what ha caused my baby to die. It made my blood run cold. I gabbed both JJ and Al rushed them in the car. I tossed them as carefully as I could into the car seat. Locking the door behind me.

I turned around and walked back to my car. I took out the bug that was attached to the battery and crushed it. The car instantly roared to life and that made my her race. I I stared at the crushed item in my hand then I heard something swish in the air. There was a clink and I lifted my head, coming face to face with a knife. I stumbled back in surprised just to feel someone grab me and another person to put a bag over my head. I panicked an kicked my head back knocking it into the person face. He grunted and back up. Then I felt someone punch my gut and I grunted bending over while I felt a prick in my throat.

Upon waking up I found myself strapped down tightly to a chair with silver chains making me itchy. I wasn't allergic to it. Dragons weren't allergic to anything. But it was digging him my skin rather uncomfortably. I couldn't see anything due to be blindfolded but I could hear three heart beats. Two girls and one man. But one of the first wasn't there when I was taken. She had a fast heart beat. She was panicked and scared and....it was Abdy. Abdy Prime. My face drained of color while my body felt like it was being drained of blood.

"Oh look. It's awake." Said a mans voice.

"Great. Let's get this over with." Said a female voice. My head was pulled back and the blindfold was taken off. I was in a basement. The basement a old creaky house with the wall paper coming off. I looked around my eyes landed in a heated and bloodied Abdy. I let out a breath.

"Oh god. Abdy. I-" I was cut off by a punch in the face. My head went flying and I coughed out in surprise.

"Shut up you freak." Snapped the woman. I took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Look...just let her go she's not even on the list." I said quickly staring at Abdy as she started to wake up.

"Shut up!" Said the man smacking me. My chair threatened to lean back as it rocked. My blood spiked and I decided to keep my mouth shut because I could smell the gun powder and the bullet that they hid in their jackets.

"Beth...?" Mumbled Abdy she glanced at me her eyes glazed over.

"Shut up freak look," snapped the man he tore his gun out and shot on at the ground. It bounces making everyone fling till it hit the wall stopping. "We run this! And when I say shut up you shut the hell up!" He snapped getting in my face. I leans back and nodded. He nodded a smirk coming onto his face. "Yeah that's right!" He said waving the gun on my face. I glanced at the woman in the back and she look small and frail. Neither of them wore masks or black clothing and it was dreadfully obvious that this was their first time. With the small look of regret that was on the woman's face and the trigger happy man in mine. They must really need this money...

"Okay. Okay. Let's do this." He said waving the gun at the girl. She nodded and took out a kitchen knife. "Unfortunately your correct." He spat. "She's not on the list. But I'm sure we'll get paid extra." He said. My eyes widened and I lurched forward quickly at the same time the woman slit Abdys throat. We both leg out screams that shook out the neighborhood as I broke through the chains slamming on my knees sliding to her. My eyes briefed a fiery red as I flung the woman into the wall. There was a sucking crack as she grunted an fell blood on the wall where her head was. She slumped down her neck in an aka ward position. The man gasped and ran to her as I cradled my friend tears falling as she tried to talk. I shook my head.

"Oh god Abdy." I said getting choked up as I stared at the black blood. My brows furrowed she shouldn't be dying. This shouldn't be happening the only way this could happen is if that was a magical freaking hater or her skin was soft. But that's only be if she was..."Oh no. No no no." I screamed. I couldn't hear anything but my own heart beat so I put a hand over her stomach and tried to calm down.

There was nothing. But then I felt a tap. Then snorter then rapid tapping. I felt my breath leave me as she stared at me. She stopped trying to breath as she calmly lifted her bloodied hand tears falling from her eyes. She looked at the ground and wrote something. But I didn't look away from him till she made me. I glanced and I nodded. I nodded quickly and hugged her. Her blood drenching my clothes. 

"I will. I swear to god I will. I'm so sorry. Abdy I'm so so sorry." I cried. She smiled at me one last time before she gasped. She stopped blinking and I couldn't hear anyone's their heart beats. Only one. I felt a click behind me and tensed.

"Stupid freak!" Said the man choking on tears. I turned around ever so slowly looking at him. His eyes red just like mine. Covered in blood like me. He put his hand on the trigger and snarled at me like a borking mad dog.

Then. I moved.

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