Chapter 5 I found you

Start from the beginning

"You've crossed the line Alli. I'm sorry but give me your phone and your ipod. No tv for a week." My mom said strictly and I don't think I have ever had the urge to punch someone as much as now.

"Is Charlotte grounded?"

"What?" They both asked.

What did they expect? Me to yell and slam my door? Start crying and begging for forgiveness?

"Well if I'm grounded for being out of line and yelling, Charlotte should be punished for sneaking out, deliberately ignoring you and hanging out with the wrong people, and lying to you about all until I said something mentioned it. In fact her punishment should be way worse than mine."

"Are you kidding me?" Charlotte asked rolling her eyes.

"It's different sweetheart" mom said softly. She was trying to make me not blow up because she knows that's all crap.

"Of course it is. Mom, it's always been different. I don't clean my room after the first time you asked, I'm grounded a week. Charlotte doesn't clean hers after being asked 5 times, a warning and then you cleaning it for her. Well you know what? I'm sorry I'm not perfect like your other daughter. I'm sorry I get mad when she gives no respect to me or the things I love. I'm sorry I'm not popular and gorgeous and I only have two friends. I'm sorry that you don't love me as much as Charlotte and Jake. I really am. "

Mom and Charlotte were speechless. I turned around and went back into my room. I grabbed my phone and ipod and held them out to my mom.

When she just looked at them, I set them by her feet. I entered my room and quietly closed the door and locked it. I ran to my bed and sobbed into my pillow.

Everything I said was true. They don't love me nearly as much. That's why they were speechless. Charlotte and maybe even Jake knew and they all probably just didn't expect me to figure it out. I'm unwanted. Always have been, always will be.


Somehow I had fallen asleep. I pulled my shorts down and looked at my upper thighs sadly.

I traced the somewhat new scratches and pulled them back up.

I went into my bathroom groggy and upset.

Somehow I managed to focus on my appearance. Messy braid, wrinkled clothes, and a red eyed sad looking girl. I turned my head to the top right corner of the mirror.

Happiness flowed through my veins.

A rather new photo of one direction and the up all night cover were taped up there along with pictures of Josh, Mary and I throughout the past few years.

I had to stop feeling bad for myself.

My sadness turned to anger.

Just my appearance made me angry.

My parents just decided it was stupid to dip dye my hair and told me I wasn't allowed.

Ugh. Anger isn't right. Lets try forgiveness.

I looked at the clock and saw it was about three. Four hours until I supposed to see Mary.

I took my hair out of the braid and brushed it.

5 minutes later my hair was down and I was covered in a huge sweatshirt.

I walked down the stairs and quietly walked into the kitchen/ living room.

Ok I need to work on being silent. Mom, Dad and Charlotte all looked over at me. I saw Jake's eyes looking at me from in between the cracks of the couch.

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