| 23. Don't Hide Away

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By the time I got home, the regular school day was almost over, and I had half a dozen unread messages on my phone.

Mason: Where tf are you Em?

Mason: Are you okay?

Mason: Of course as soon as you disappear Liam shows up

Liam: Hey, Mason said you were acting kinda weird & now you're not here. Is something going on?

Liam: I'm going back to class now, please text me back. I need to know that you're ok

Mason: I forgot how annoying Liam is when you're not around, I hope you're alright

I smiled at the last one and rolled my eyes before responding.

To Mason: I leave for a few hours and you completely fall apart. You're hopeless :D

To Mason: And yeah, I'm okay now. I wasn't feeling very good earlier & had to leave

To Liam:  Sorry I had to leave, I was working through some stuff. I think I'm better now though, glad to know you were worried

I hesitated for a moment before sending one more message.

To Liam: How late does practice go today? I kinda miss you.

When I was done typing, I tossed my phone onto my bed and grabbed my laptop off the bedside table. I had an email to write.

Dear Ben,

I know we haven't talked in a while, I've been really busy and I'm sure you have been too. I would rather do this over the phone but who had the money for that, right? Anyway, I thought I'd just check in and update you one what's been going on in my life. 

For starters, I'm actually really happy. Beacon Hills was rough at first (you know what I'm talking about) but I think I've finally settled in. I have this great friend Mason, he's basically the reason I don't stay locked in my room watching tv all day. He's definitely one of the best things that has happened to me since I got here. We can communicate through weird facial expressions like you and I used to do all the time. Honestly sometimes I can't believe he's a real person. He reminds me a lot of you, except he's not 6'2" and he doesn't hit on girls 24/7. Basically he's amazing and I wish you could meet him.

Speaking of, I know that if you like it over there in the city of love, you're going to want to stay, and I'm completely okay with that. Don't feel like you have to come back for me. As long as you're happy, everything else will work out somehow. But if you stay you're gonna have to embrace the love part of the title and find someone for yourself. I don't want you to get lonely over there without my charms to entertain you.

Anyway, this town is still kinda weird, but I'll table that for later. And that's pretty much it.

Write back whenever you have time, and don't leave out any details! (unless they involve you and a girl because I really don't need that kind of image in my mind) 

Love you <3

I read the message over a few times before sending it. I knew I had left out a few pretty important things, but I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him my boyfriend was a werewolf and I'd almost died multiple times since the last time we spoke. Despite all the things I knew I couldn't say, I tried to be as honest as possible. I didn't bother doing the math to figure out what time it was in France, he would get the email whenever he got it, and reply whenever he had time, I wasn't too stressed about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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