Chapter 2: Walks and Talks

Start from the beginning

"... right."

"See, plus what would Cho and Dean say about that?" I asked him. And that's when he stopped dead in his tracks.

"I don't think they would care." he whispered. 

My smile slowly dropped as my eyes saw Cho and Dean in a small corner, kissing. 

"Dean this is wrong." Yeah it is!

"We're in public." said Cho. 

"We've never gotten caught before." said Dean as my heart cracked. 

I picked up a rock and swung it at Dean's head. 

"Ow." he said rubbing his head as my hands turned into fists. I don't care about Dean. I knew he would do this. But Cho? Poor girl was probably tricked into it but that doesn't matter.  What matters is that Cho broke Harry's heart. And it killed me inside to see him like that. 

Dean and Cho turned around. He pushed Cho away from him. 

"Ginny, this isn't what it looks like." I rolled my eyes. 


"Yes, it was only this one time. Please forgive me."

"It was only this one time you got caught. I knew you would do this Dean. But Cho? Come on."

She looked down in embarrassment. I took Harry's hand walked away. 

"Let's go Harry they're not worth it." I said. 

We kept holding hands. It wasn't a sign saying we liked each other and wanted to be with each other forever but it was really comforting in more than one way.

"Harry?" I asked him

"Hm?" He said distracted.

"Were you serious back there?"

"About us?" he asked. 

"Erh well yeah."

"Kind of."

"Then why the hell would you break my heart by dating Cho?" I said hitting his arm as hard as I could as fast as I could. 

"Ow, what are you saying Ginny? You don't even like me like that!" he exclaimed trying to shield himself from me. 

I stopped and stared. 

"You can't be serious!" 

"Wait... you do?"

"Ugh boys are so stupid sometimes! I can't even believe that you are the one I just HAD to fall in love with!" 

"In love? When did this happen?" he asked. If he asked one more stupid question.....

"Just let me think for a while Harry okay? Please leave me alone." 

I raced back to Hogwarts and the first place I went to was the library. The person I was looking for had to be there. Unless she didn't come back yet. But with a little glimpse of hope concealed under all the pain and sadness and irritation, thanks to Dean and Harry I walked in. And seeing her there repaired my heart. 

'Hermione!" I exclaimed to my best friend. 

"Ginny hey!"

"Hermione." I said a bit more serious. 

"What happened?" she asked me worried. She made room for me to sit which was really hard to do considering her books covered the entire area of the library. 

I sighed. 

"Dean cheated on me. For who knows how long!" 

"Oh my goodness! With who?" 

"With.. Cho." 

"How dare they! I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!"

"No Hermione please don't. 

"Oh please I punched Draco in our third year, I think I can handle Dean."

I laughed at her revelation. 

"It's alright honestly. I think it even brought Harry and I closer."

"Wait like in THAT way?"

"No we're just friends."

"Yeah okay, I saw you guys holding hands. Like that's just friends." she spoke rolling her eyes. 

"Well it's not like we can be more than friends with Ron around." 

"YOU CAN BE SURE OF THAT!" said a familiar voice from behind a nearby bookshelf. I pulled two books apart to see Ron. 

"You were spying on her?! Are you trying to get her to like you or be scared of you?!" his face matched the colour of his hair when I yelled at him. 

"Oh shut it! I wasn't spying! I was ... doing a bit of light reading." he spoke while pointing to a book. 

"Wait, you have a ring?" 

"Lavender gave it to me." 

"And you wore it?" I asked him biting my lip trying not to laugh. 

"Well obviously! She's my girlfriend!" he said a bit too off and loud. 

I smirked as I took the ring and stared at it. He reached for it back but I started to walk away. 

"Hey come back here."

"Never!" I shouted running down the hallway. 

"Give me the ring!" he yelled and I froze. The ring slipped from my finger as my body experienced a deja vu feeling. I felt paralyzed and my vision blurred. 

I could hear the gears grinding in my brain as I saw another unfamiliar sight. Snape on grass with a ring. The ring seemed too familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. It was a feeling I didn't like at all. My mind was trying to tell me something. 

And I didn't know what. 

Hello! Hoped you like that chapter, please vote and comment my amazing readers! 

Wowza. Okay so what did you think of the little twist of Cho and Dean? And Dramione? And kind of Hinny? Don't worry they'll make out eventually.

So Sorry for those who have been unable to read this, I've decided to keep this up due to the other readers who really wanted this to continue. 

Thank you all so much for getting me 20k reads on my first book! That's unbelievable!

Side note: I missed school on Friday and obviously on that day everything happened, we got or school pictures back, we had 2 pop quizzes, we got assigned a french interview that has to be memorized by tomorrow and this huge zombie apocalypse project due in three days that my group isn't even close to being done. 

So sorry if I'm behind on updating. 


I dedicate this story to...






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