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It's fair to say that Olivia wasn't lying. She was sick. Sick of this box she is trapped in. Sick of having to perform every night. Sick of practically being Brian's sex slave. Sick of being beat, when she doesn't do what he says. She has had enough. But she can't leave him. She has tried before and it's only made things worse.
But maybe she has a plan.

"Brian are you hungry?" She asks from the kitchen.
"Yeah" he shouts from the bedroom.
"I'm going to order a pizza okay?"
Just then, he walks rom the bedroom and into the kitchen.
"Pizza sounds good"
Olivia's plan will work fairly well, because even though Brian was a cop, he is so drunk he couldn't remember his name let alone anything from his job.
Olivia dials the number and let's it ring.
"Liv? Are you okay?"
"Hello, I'd like to order a pizza please"
"Liv what are you talking about?"
"Yeah, can I have a 1013 please"
"Yeah a 1013, please get here as soon as possible"
"Okay I'm on my way"

* * * * * * * *
Elliot hangs up the phone. It was on speaker.
"What was that about?" Cragen asks, at Liv's peculiar phone call.
"1013..1013... She's hurt, we need to go now!" Elliot says running out of the squad room with Munch Finn and Cragen following.

* * * * * *
Ding dong.
"Must be the pizza" Olivia says as she walks to the door.
She opens it and pretends like she is getting out her money.
Elliot sees the newer cuts and bruises on her body.
His heart breaks.
He signals 3.2.1 with his hands before they burst through the door and put Brian in cuffs.
"You stupid little bitch! What the hell have you done!?" He yells as Cragen and Finn drag him out.
"Livia are you okay?" Elliot says with his arms around her
"I am now" she smiles, with her head pressed against his chest.
"It's okay, you're safe now. But Liv you gonna have to talk to me, do you think you can do that?" He asks
She nods before moving her hands from around his middle to his neck and crying into his shoulder.
"Shhh... Hey, it's okay, I've got you. I've got you. It's okay. You're safe now" he comforts as he gently rocks her back and forth.
"Thank you" she whispers
"What for?"
"For being you"
"You get me. No one else would have understood what I was on about with the pizza. Thank you" she says before she kisses his cheek.
Elliot is shocked by this. But does it matter? I mean, he hasn't got a wife, or kids. Just a single dude, who has had a crush on his partner for the past twelve years!

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