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She pulls up at her precinct and makes her way upstairs with her head down.
Again, people continue to stair her up and down.
She tried her best to cover herself up, but it's kinda hard to cover a cut with concealer!
She walks into the squad room, dreading the comments she will receive, especially from her partner!
"Hey liv!" Finn says with his urban accent.
"Hey" she replies keeping her eyes glued to the ground.
"Baby girl, what's up with you?" He asks concernedly
"I'm fine" she replies
Finn knows their is something up, been as she went straight to her desk and sat down, instead of walking to the machine to get coffee.
Just then Elliot walks in the room.
"Hey liv" he says
Elliot and Finn exchange looks, as it to say.... what?!'.
"Liv... You okay?" Elliot asks walking closer to her.
"Yes! For gods sake! Will everyone stop asking me if I'm okay!? Everything is fine! I mean why wouldn't it be?!" She yells just as Cragen walks in the room
Elliot puts his hand up to him, gesturing to leave her alone, which is exactly what he does. Even though he is concerned for her well being, he knows if he prys, she will flip.
"Hey liv, I need to speak to you. We just caught a case" Elliot says
"What is its?" She asks not looking up from her desk
"I need you to come with me. To interigation"
She doesn't say anything, she just stands up and follows him.
He leads her to an empty interigation room.
When inside Olivia seems confused as he locks the door and pulls down the blinds.
"I thought we had an interigation" she says
"I thought we had a good friendship" he back answers
"Well if we did then I guess you would tell me why you have been acting like this for the past week, and have arrived to work.." He checks his watch " three hours late, and haven't looked up since you, arrived" he says
She doesn't reply
"Liv, what's going on?" He asks
"Nothing, I'm fine"
"Then look at me"
She doesn't move. So he lightly lifts her chin to make eye contact, when he is horrified at the marks on her face.
"I..I.. I fell"
"On your face?!"
"It was an accident!"
"Yeah, how about this" he lifts her hands and holds her wrists. His touch is so gentle, he fears he will hurt her even more than she already is.
"Did you fall here too? And here?" He asks pointing to her neck.
"Liv, please tell me. What's going on?" He asks
She releases herself from his hold and moves backwards.
"What's happened?"
"Nothing, I told you"
"Livia, please don't play games with me! Please. Tell me" he says guiding her to a chair to sit on.
She takes a seat, as does he. He places his hands on top of hers, which are on her knees.
"Please Elliot, just leave it"
"No! How did you get these bruises?" He asks
"It was an accident"
"What was?"
"Nothing! I'm fine!" She yells as she leaves the interigation room.

* * * * * *

"No she wouldn't tell me a thing. She kept insisting she fell, and it was an accident" Elliot explains to Much, Finn and Cragen.
"But, wait. Isn't she dating Brian?" Munch asks
"Yeah, they had a fling before. When she said no to sex, he went off on her. Ranting, but I don't think it got physical. But I don't know about now. Capt I'm really worried about her"

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