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"Elliot look, I was working today and I saw this woman come in, she had all bruises and cuts. I told her about what you said. If I ever see anyone who may look like a domestic violence victim, that I should tell them about where you work. I told her about that lady detective you keep going on about. Olivia? And she just smiles and walked away. I told her to come here but.." Sarah stops as she sees something "it looks like she already did" she says pointing to Olivia who had just walked out of interigation.
"Sarah. That is Olivia!"
"What that's Olivia Benson? But she... Well that would explain why she didn't respond when I told her about svu"
"Livia" Elliot says walking up to her.
Sarah smiles at the fact that he has such a cute nick name for her.
"El what's up"
Sarah's movement caught Olivia's eye. She felt her stomach fall to the floor.
"Wh..wha.. I.."
"Liv, please, talk to me. What's going on?" He asks
"Nothing, Elliot. Seriously I'm fine" she says.

* * * * * * * *

Olivia left early,again.
When she gets home the reek of booze is harsh on her nose.
"Hey baby" Brian says
"Hi" she sits down next to him on the couch. She lightly kisses his cheek.
"Come on baby, let's take this in the bedroom"
"No, bri. Please I'm really tired and I just want to sleep.."
"Get into the bedroom, Now!" He demands in a low tone, that sends shivers down her spine.
She does as she is told and is pushed into the bedroom. He follows her in and slams the door behind himself.
She has a shear terror look in her eyes. But it doesn't seem to bother him. He doesn't care. He cares about getting some. He cares about himself.

The next morning, Olivia is feeling even more sore than she was yesterday.
Brian, unusually, wakes up before her. When she does wake up he tells her that he doesn't want her to go into work today.
"Bri, people will get suspicious. Can I at least call in sick?" She asks
"Yeah, but you care coming back to bed straight after" he says.
She gets out and walks to the phone in the kitchen.
It picks up after the first two rings.
"Liv? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just sick" *que fake cough* "and I can't come in today"
"Okay, well I'll come over and look after you"
"No it's okay, I have Brian. Thank you though"
"If you need anything, anything at all. Anytime. I'll come straight over okay?"

She puts down the phone and does as Brian requested. She walks back into the bedrooms.

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