"Why do you even like me? I'm not as pretty as Perrie." He whimpered. My head shot up from where it was looking to Niall's face. I moved his hands so I could look in his eyes. There in his blue eyes showed he knew more and needed to say more about this.

"She came by the grocery store on Saturday asking for a job. She didn't seem like some horrible girl that didn't want to have a baby. She was pretty. Laila is lucky to look like you and Perrie." He cried out. I reached up and wiped his tears. He shook his head and the sadness in his eyes change to looking like fear.

"What if she changed her mind? You'll want to have her back and you can have more babies together. I can't do that for you! Don't let her take Laila from me! She's my little girl!" Niall cried and began sobbing all over again. I pulled him into my arms and let him cry against my shoulder. There was something in me that made me feel angry again. Before, I felt too tired and to stress over being a single father to feel angry anymore. But now, I felt it all coming back. Seeing that Perrie was doing this in making my Niall fall apart over atheer of losing our daughter made me feel angry all over again.

"Niall, I'll never let that happen. Legally she can't do that. She's our daughter, no one elses. I promise you, this will be all okay. I promise." I said to him. He moved back so he could look at my face. In his beautiful blue eyes, I saw the beauty in the way he was trusting me. I lean forward and kissed him, but once my lips were on his I didn't seem to want to stop. His hands rest on my jaw while mine touched over his stomach.

"Even if one day we do want more babies, we can always adopt or we can go through different ways. But for now I'm happy with our little family. I also wanted to take your dad up on his offer of going to Uni so I can get a better job to support you both and whoever else decides to come along. I love you." I mumbled against his lips. He nodded and let a soft smile on his lips.

"I love you too. Sorry about having a little melt down. You better get to work before you're late." He said. I helped him off the counter and kissed him one more time.

"You're the most beautiful man on this earth, you know that, right?" I asked him. He just denied it then pushed me out of the bathroom so he could shower. I went the nursery to kiss Laila goodbye and old her to behave for her daddy. I also told her to make her daddy happy again. I locked the door to our flat before going down to my car to go to work.

Once I got to work, there was a ton more protesters than there were last week. There were also news reporters out here. All I did was huff and run inside. I ignored the questions being thrown at me. I hoped this would all be over by tomorrow.

We have a huge meeting with the company that was actually making the prices of the medication go up. We were going to speak to them to come to an agreement about this whole situation. I had advised Mr.Scott to stop doing any business with that company once they actually put it out that they are the ones who are doing wrong. I was just hoping this would all end soon because I needed this job. If it didn't end then the whole company would probably be shut down.

"Zayn, we have a meeting prep in the conference room at two. Make sure you get all the orders in before then. Can you also get together the numbers we need to show the company? You're the only one that's not in the treasury department that I trust to see those." Mr.Scott told me once I got to my desk. I nodded and logged into my computer. Mr.Scott put the huge stack of papers on my desk that I began to go through.

"How is your daughter?" Mr.Scott asked me. I looked at him and saw just how tired he seemed to be getting. I smiled lightly and sat back in my chair.

"She's getting big. She has her three month  check up tomorrow." I told him. He smiled at me and pat me on the shoulder before going back into his office. During this time of stress and and trials for their company, we've both created a better work relationship. He actually asks about my life and seems like he cares. It's actually nice.

I got a few hours into my work when my cell phone started buzzing next to me. I pressed ignore because I didn't recognize the number and I knew if Niall needed anything then he would call me. I tried to keep working but the same number flashed across my screen again so I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked while I continued to place orders into my computer. The person cleared their through a few times before actually speaking.

"Zayn, it's Perrie... I, uh... I went by your flat yesterday to talk to you, but the landlord said you had moved out because you didn't make payments. I guess I just wanted to talk to you. How have you been?" My heart stopped at the sound of her voice. It was soft and scared, not at all the day she told me she didn't want our daughter. I sat back in my chair and tried to think of how I exactly wanted to react to this. I wanted to scream, but I remembered I was an adult man that could carry on a conversation with someone I really wanted to disappear from my life.

"I'm good. How have you been? Have you been taking care of yourself?" I asked her. I didn't really care, but I did care a little in the sense she's a human. Niall kind of taught me to care for all humans no matter the situation. Then again, he has a heart of gold and works at a shelter more than he's at home.

"Honestly, I'm not doing well. I've changed allot and need to make this mess right. Is there anyway we can meet up so we can talk?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to tell her I was glad she wasn't doing well. Then I felt like we both grew up a bit and needed to talk. I needed to talk to her so if could tell her all the things I've been waiting to tell her. Then maybe I can have some closure towards the thing anger I feel towards her and I can be a better man.

"Is tomorrow at twelve okay? Meet me at my office and we can go to lunch during my break." I offered. She said that would work out perfectly. Before we hung up our tense phone call, I told her to just come up to my desk because there was allot going on outside to just wait.

When the call ended, I was wondering what the hell I was getting into. I wondered that until a brick got thrown through the window near my desk. I immediately called the police for even more security. I could only hope tomorrow was going to end the anger I have towards Perrie and the anger these people have towards our company.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating! Wattpad deleted the chapter I was working on 2 times so it was hard to rewrite. Haha!!! Some of you thought this would turn into M-Preg but it's not going to. If it was going to, I would have it on the cover of the book. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but the end of the book is near and will be quite amazing!!! I hope this is good!!!! My competition went amazing! We got first place!!!! Would you eat a bowl of bugs for all the money in the world?!?!??! Comment/Vote!!!
- Bri;)

Single Father (Ziall Horlik) AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora