I feel bad for leaving Bane to ally with the careers, but he wanted them as allies anyway. I don't know why he even wants to. I mean, yeah, we are from the Career District, but that doesn't mean we have to be on their team. Most of the Careers are blood thirsty murderers. It makes me sick that they like to kill people. Especially children.

I just don't know how Bane doesn't see that they'll turn against him, and kill him. As soon as he turns his head, they'll kill him. I would rather die alone, than die and hurt someone I care about. That's why I can't get attached. I'll be the first one to die anyway.

I'm weak compared to these buff careers.

But if I hide out long enough, I might win. But I seriously doubt it. I pull myself from my thoughts when the elevator door opens, granting us access into our new house for the next couple of weeks. It's not bad. I make my way to the couch, and slouch onto it.

"I hate this place," I groan, looking at the ceiling.

"I do, too," Paul says. "It reminds me of my games. But we have to stay here." He adds, taking the seat next to me. Bane takes the opportunity to sit on the other side of me.

"Lana, I'm really sorry about yest-" Reena cuts Bane off.

"Come, come. We have breakfast to attend to." Reena rushes, yanking me to the dining area. I groan, and Bane sighs. When we sit down, Bane sits next to me, once again.

Paul, Krystal, and Leo sit across from us, and Reena sits on the other side of me. I put very little food on my plate, not being hungry.

"So, have you been thinking about your allies?" Paul asks the both of us.

"Yeah, I have actually. I don't want any allies. End of discussion," I say through gritted teeth. Paul shakes his head in disapproval.

"I'm being completely serious. Without allies and sponsors, you won't make it a day in that hell hole of an arena," Paul says sternly, his eyes growing cold. Once he realizes what he's said, his eyes turn soft. "Lana, I didn't mean-" He starts, but I cut him off.

"N-no I completely understand. I won't have sponsors or allies. So I guess I'll die on the first day. Because I totally can't protect myself. I know I'll die, but it doesn't make it any better that everyone else, including my mentors, think that I won't make it. So thank you, Paul. You've made me lose completely all of my confidence of ever winning these games." I snap.

"Lana, I . . . " Bane starts, but drifts off.

"You'll what? Protect me? Bane, you're a natural killer. You've trained for years, while I've got barely any training. In the end, you can't let me slow you down. Just let me die in that arena, and f-forget about me. That's what everyone was going to do anyway." I say softly. I stand up from my chair, and leave my breakfast.

I walk to the elevator, and no one protests as I press the button to the lobbie. I let tears fill my eyes as I leave the elevator, when the door opens. I walk to the font desk to find a Capitol lady. Her pink and blue makeup scare me. She looks like a clown. Litterally.

"Um, hello. Do you have a training room? I was wondering if I could blow off some steam." I say. She smiles.

"Yes, we do. Congratulations on being a new tribute. Go down the first hall, and take a right." She says. I give her a smile again, but as I turn away from her, the tears spill. I walk down the first hallway, and without looking, I bump into a hard chest.

"S-sorry," I apologize, looking to the floor.

"That's okay," A deep voice says with a slight chuckle. I look up to him, and my jaw almost drops.

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