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SHE TAPPED HER FOOT IN ANNOYANCE as Cami walked around the bar, a bit scared seeing Katherine here.

"I won't bite," Katherine smirked. "I was hoping I could do an experiment, nothing dangerous."

When Cami didn't reply but instead glared at her, Katherine took it as a sign.

"Well, you're the resident therapist right? Klaus has a thing for you so I promise, you won't get hurt. That could really hurt my alliance. Call your witchy friend, Vincent?"

"What do you want? I have a bunch of dark objects to kill you with." Cami replies, wavering.

"What a fierce little thing. All right, I'll tell you. I'm testing a theory, see, before I got turned into a vampire, I was a Traveler ─ freaky subranch of witches ─ but a Traveler's magic is not natural and since I am a doppleganger, my death was necessary to nature's balance. If I died, maybe when I awakened my magic has come pure. Natural, even." Katherine explained.

"I'm not connecting the dots. How exactly are you going to test this theory?" Cami asked, a little confused.

"Call your witch friend and this will all make sense."

Vincent Griffith came into the bar and the three of them slip into the kitchen. Katherine briefly explained her situation to Vincent to which he disagreed.

"No." He said firmly.

"Yes." Katherine replied back stubbornly. "You don't even have to do magic!"

"No, I've heard about you Ms. Pierce, you are cunning and manipulative, using people left and right to your advantage." He snarled.

"That was vampire Katherine, none of you know what I was like, when I was human. I didn't even know what I was like way-back-when, I forgot! Five hundred years of manipulating and lying, you start believing your own lies." Katherine yelled, in the heat of the moment.

Truthfully, nobody remembers the once naïve, filled with hope and love, human Katerina Petrova. But, everybody remembers the cunning, lying, self-absorbed bitch Katherine Pierce. Katerina Petrova died when she hang herself in a little cottage. Katherine Pierce died right beside her daughter in the Salvatore Boarding house. She died, twice. She came back, twice. But now, as this person, she doesn't know who she is.

Cami looking sympathetic, eyes filled with advice she cannot give, looked at Vincent. "I'll help her. Why are you so adamant not to?"

"You know what she's going to try? She's going to try and use some traveler magic called, passangering. She's gonna be a passenger in your body Cami."

Cami understanding Vincent's reluctance replied, "You want to put your soul in my body?"

"Well yes, but Vincent here is going to activate it. If it works and Vincent activates my possession of your body, I will gladly return to my original one. No offense." She pressed her lips. "Vince, you say, Vyjdi."

Katherine raised her hand, pressing them to Cami's temples before muttering, "Jaryakat a zem. Daryeet acza."

Cami opens her eyes slowly, "Did it work."

Katherine smiled excitedly, "Obviously not."

"You're happy you can't do magic?" Cami questioned.

"Phasmatos Incendia." She said nonchalantly, the stove fire flaming. "I'm happy I'm not a traveler. This just proves my theory, I'm a witch."

"Well witchy, we helped prove your theory, now can you help us?"

"Sure, what do you need? I'm feeling nice today." Katherine replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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