Reactions And Old Friends

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~Annnnnnd.....the award for the biggest flip out goes to..........




It's a tie!! Both of you flipped out so much I couldn't tell who was more upset!! Lol!! And I'd just like to say thanks to the remainder of you who took the time to comment!! It's greatly appreciated!! Much love!!


~luv_justin_bieber (no offense, but I can't STAND him!!XD)









Soooo imma shut up now because it's time to READ!! Thanks again everyone!! Enjoy!!~

Elena's POV:

There were no words to describe the emotions and feelings that suddenly filled the large bedroom, suffocating everyone who was in it. My heart dropped and felt like a dead weight in my chest. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything except sit there unmoving. Everything felt numb, my hands, my feet, my entire body was numb.

I could feel Bonnie as she grabbed my arm then shook my shoulder, trying desperately to get my attention and snap me from my intense daze. I could hear her calling my name, but her voice sounded muffled and far away.

Then I felt a completely different touch, a touch that was soft and gentle. Their fingers trailed along the side of my face before stroking my cheek tenderly in an attempt to pull me back to the present, to reality. But I didn't want to. I couldn't face the cold hard truth, the truth that would cause me to lose my husband forever. And it was all my fault.

"Elena.." I heard a soft voice murmur as their thumbs continued to stroke my cheeks, slowly bringing me back to life. My eyes that had been glazed over and staring off into nothing suddenly snapped up and met the pair of bright forest green eyes I knew were going to be there. His tanned face was full of guilt and concern which was the cause of the many worry lines on his forehead. I felt his warm gentle touch as he once again stroked my cheeks while we continued to gaze at each other. "Elena, I'm sorry."

He was sorry?! He took advantage of being alone with his own brother's wife, slept with her on her wedding night and then got her pregnant and all he could say was sorry?!

"Get out," I managed to whisper as my gaze slowly turned into a deadly glare causing a confused look to pass across his face.

"W-What?" Stefan actually stuttered as he studied my cold face, his own filling slowly with hurt causing his eyes to look even brighter if that was possible.

"Are you deaf? I said get out, Stefan!" My voice rose a couple octaves startling both Bonnie and Stefan who looked on the verge of tears.

"Elena, I'm so so sorry," He grabbed my face in his hands to force me to look at him while he apologized yet again. "If there's any way in the world I can make it up to you-"

"Just shut up, Stefan. I-I can't think about this right now. I just want to find Damon and my daughter. That's all I care about right now. Let's take care of that first and then maybe I'll be ready to talk to you about...about Damian," I snapped at him as a look I didn't understand crossed his face.

There Was No World For Her, If There Was No DamonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum