Jenna's Farewell

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~IMPORTANT! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU LOOK UP TVD CONTEST OF JULY 2013, GO TO BEST DELENA STORY CONTESTANTS, AND VOTE FOR ME!!!! PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!! That being said, I'd like to give a brief shout out to the following AWESOME readers who used their own time to leave helpful and inspiring comments! Thanks my lovelies!!:











Thanks amazing readers and fans!! Story time!!(: Enjoy!~

Elena's POV:

A sharp pain in my stomach rudely woke me from my sleep. Using vamp speed, I quickly sat up clutching my abdomen as I let slip a hiss. God it hurt! How many times was I going to have to deal with this?! I hissed again which accidentally caused Elijah to stir beside me.

He groggily sat up then noted that something was obviously wrong causing him to immediately become alert,"Elena, what's the matter?"

"Elijah," I winced then hissed again through my teeth as another stab of pain came. "I need blood. Now."

It wasn't even a second after I spoke that Elijah was instantly gone from normally Damon's side of the bed. I really didn't want to think about that ass-hat right now. If he wanted to be pissed at me, then fine. But Stefan's the one he should really be pissed at. Oh who am I kidding? It's all my fault. I was the one who let Stefan dance with me. I was the one who let Stefan shove his tongue down my throat. I was the one who let things go too far. If anyone's to blame, it's me. I should have been more responsible.

There was one thing I knew Damon was wrong about, one thing I hoped to God he was wrong about. This baby fighting like hell right now had to be Damon's. If it turned out to be Stefan's...there definitely would be shedding of blood and possibly death if Damon had his way. I can't think about this anymore. I don't want to think about this anymore. Why me?

Elijah was back at my side in the blink of an eye with a blood bag in hand. His hair looked wind blown and his clothes disheveled which was a first for him since I've known him. There have been a lot of firsts for Elijah since I've met him.

He quickly opened the blood bag and I desperately took it from him then drained it quickly. With every swallow I could feel the pain fade until it was just a tiny discomfort that hopefully I could live with.

"Thank you," I whispered as I wiped the blood from my mouth with a tissue and set the bloodless bag on my nightstand. "I owe you one."

"It's not a problem, Elena. Are you alright now?" Elijah asked as he lounged on the bed beside me then looked at me.

"I think so, but God. I don't know how much longer I can take that," I complained as I mindlessly began to massage my belly as I laid back down.

"What was that, if you don't mind my asking," His dark mysterious eyes studied me as he waited for my answer. Then, noticing my discomfort, he began to gently rub the pain away from my stomach with his hand. It was so comforting and it was exactly what I needed.

"It's complicated really," I sighed as he continued to massage my stomach in an even rhythm.
"Basically my body's trying its damnedest to kill my baby which could be either Damon's or Stefan's. Put me out of my misery and stake me now."

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