"Daddy was in love with someone else before you?" Ikki asked. "That's right." Pema answered. "So what did you do?" Korra asked and we all listened.

"Well, for the longest time I did nothing. I was so shy and scared of rejection, but watching my soul mate spend his life with the wrong woman became too painful. So I hung my chin out there and I confessed my love to Tenzin. And the rest is history." Pema said. That was so cute, even though I felt bad for whoever was with Tenzin before. I wondered what would happen if Korra tried to come between Mako and Asami?

"Introducing our first team; the future industry's fire ferrets!" I cheered on them up from the locker room. Even though they couldn't hear me.

There was no way I was getting closer to the ring than this. I could fall down in the water, and I wouldn't risk that. They started fighting and I could already see from the first match that they were going to win. They were working together like a machine and they were all amazing benders so it couldn't go wrong.

"All three rounds go to the future industry's fire ferrets, who win their opening match of the tournament!"

I cheered on them as they walked in. I heard Korra was trying to say private things to Mako so I backed away. "Forget I ever said anything." She said with a sad voice and walked away from him. "Congratulations guys! You were so amazing out there." Asami said as she came in.

"You were amazing out there Korra." I said to cheer her up, and she gave me a little smile. Bolin walked over to us. "You all were, congratulations to the both of you." I said looking at Bolin. "Thanks Naomi." He turned around so he was facing Korra and his back was facing me. "So, Korra, I was thinking'; you and me, we could go get some dinner together. Sort of a date situation." I looked at the door and walked towards it.

"Where are you going?" I heard Korra say. I stopped up but ignored her and walked out. I was so tired of feeling ignored. Maybe it was time to focus a little on myself.


I was out running around on air temple island. I was avoiding Korra after what happened the night before, and she didn't say anything to me either.

Just as I was thinking about her she showed up. "Hey Naomi, I'm going out." She said and I sighed. "Okay, have fun." I said and was about to run away but she stopped me.

"Are you okay? I mean you've been avoiding me since yesterday." I looked at the city. "No I'm okay. Sorry, I've just been focusing on my training." I walked closer to the water. "You think you could give me a lift to the city?" I asked her. She smiled and called on Naga.

We arrived to the city and I thanked her. "I'll get home myself, and say hey from me when you see Bolin." I gave her quick hug and ran away from her before she could say anything.

I walked towards the city. I needed some air and some time alone.

I was walking around exploring the streets when I heard a familiar voice. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the beautiful nonbender Naomi." I turned around to look at Katsu.

"Hey Katsu." I said quietly leaning against a wall. "Someone sounds a little sad." I looked up at him as he leaned against the wall besides me. "Someone is over analyzing." I said and he smiled. "Okay, okay. But I'm here if you wanna talk." I sighed and looked away.

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