Kora helped her slide the suction tools onto her hands, "Remember, press tha button with yer thumb once to hang on and twice to release."

She felt silly with plate-sized black suckers strapped to her hands but knew they stood between life and her death. Plus they were an easy and stealthy way to reach Frida unnoticed.

"Strap tha girl into tha harness with ya." Roman said.

Zia glanced at the climbing gear again, "Can it hold both of us?"

Roman chuckled, "If it can hold me, I think yer gonna be fine. We gotta hurry. Ya need to go."

Zia could hardly believe how lucky she was to have the help of these strangers. It made her wonder exactly why they were so generous.

"Thank you, both of you. I appreciate-"

"We know, just go. Yer gonna alright." Kora waved Zia's gratitude away, then gave her a boost.

Zia placed a hand on the gray stone wall beside the window and clicked once, then did the same with her other hand. Next came her feet, left then right. She crawled up the wall one limb at a time, slowly working her way up higher towards the top window.

How did they know where Frida sleeps? The thought troubled her, again.

When she wasn't counting clicks and sweating her nerves out, she was peeking into the windows. She had never seen luxury of such a quality before.

Everything is so...perfect and shiny. And to think of the house she grew up in...

As she came closer to the top floor, she heard music coming from inside. Classical. The highs and lows came and went, making her journey more exciting. She glimpsed movement inside and froze, hugging the wall. She dared to crane her neck for a better view.

Inside a room filled with wine, a short man was rearranging bottles. She noticed the odd way he moved, pivoting at the hips before turning and moving so smoothly it was inhuman. That must be the assistant, she thought as she positioned her hand to move up again.

Trying to hurry away before being seen, she clicked the climbing tool with her thumb to steady herself, but it didn't engage. All of her weight shifted to one side as her left arm flew backward.

"Shit!" She hissed as panic shot from her fingers to her toes. She panted and looked down.

Oh, I shouldn't have looked down.

The ground was four stories down and a lifetime away. Her heart thumped a crazy rhythm as she shook her head and looked back up. Only one more floor to climb, she told herself.

I hope this bloody plan works.

Frida's window was large and round, a soft warm light shone from inside. A small girlish voice hummed along to the song playing.

Tears sprang in Zia's eyes when she saw the girl. Frida was drawing, sprawled on a thick carpet with her legs kicking in time to the music. Her sandy blond hair fell in her face and she looked almost plump, healthy.

She seems happy. If I take her, will I be taking her away from a life of opportunity? Will she even want to leave? I might as well ask her and let her decide.

Zia tapped on the girl's window three times in succession.

Frida's head snapped towards the sound and her eyes widened in shock. Then a grin spread across her pale, freckled face. She jumped to her feet and ran to the window. Frida pressed the side of the window and it whooshed sideways into the wall.

"Zia! What are you doing here? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh." She clapped her hand over her mouth and said, "I should keep it down, huh?"

"Hi, little one. How I've missed you! Would you mind letting me in?"

"Oh, of course. Here...," The girl stepped aside and helped Zia climb inside.

They hugged fiercely and when Zia pulled away, she noticed that the room was decorated in the same moss green as Frida's eyes. Toys filled every surface and drawings covered the lower half of the walls. A bookshelf spanning one wall was crammed with more books than Zia had seen since leaving the Farm.

"It looks like you have a nice life here..." Zia studied the girl's face, searching to recognize the truth in her statement.

Frida shrugged, "I have so many things to play with and can read anything I want. Lucille is nice, but she isn't here much." she looked at her feet for a moment, hesitating. When she looked up at Zia again, there was determination in her eyes, "I found out about the Farm, about how it works. I want to go back and tell the kids there what is really going on. Where they come from..."

Zia thought for a moment, not sure how much to tell Frida about the rest of the plan.

Frida said, "Is that why you're here? To take me back?" Her voice was filled with emotion and hope.

Zia beamed, "Yes, if you want to go."

"Oh, I would love to go back home. It gets pretty boring here, anyway. I miss birds singing and real wind. I even miss the old library. Is Violet already there?"

Zia almost cried. Her heart was broken and at this point, she was ignoring the pain with all of her power. She bit her lip, as pang of guilt stabbed her heart, "She's on Vitruvius. I'm sorry, little one."

"Oh," Frida's face fell as she sighed, " I'm sorry, too. I know how much you care about her." She took Zia's hand and gave it a squeeze.

An alarm blared, suddenly, causing them both to jump.


"What is that?" Zia asked.

Frida shook her head, "I don't know, I've never heard it."

Zia didn't want to stay and find out.

She dropped to a knee and held Frida's shoulders, "We need to go! Come on, This will be fun, okay?"

The girl nodded and she strapped her into the harness around her chest. Thanking the universe Frida was so light, Zia clicked her way down the wall. The blaring alarm poured from the house, polluting the night with its cries.

I hope I'm doing the right thing. 

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