Three: (FLASHBACK) Conversations

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To: 0905 576++++
I'm sorry.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
It's okay. I understand. You seem upset. Is there anything I can do to help you?
From:0905 576++++

To: 0905 576++++
I'm okay. I think. 😢😞 Thanks for the concern.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Just remember, no matter how hard or sad today is, there is nothing that time can't fix. Keep hoping. Keep smiling. 😉
From: 0905 576++++

To: 0905 576++++
I wish you're right. 😢 You have no idea what I'm going through right now.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Well, you can tell me. I'm willing to listen. I have lots of time (and load!) Just kidding! Sometimes just talking about it helps. 😃
From: 0905 576++++

To: 0905 576++++
Nah, wag na. Nakakahiya. Besides you're a stranger.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
I'm Paolo. See? Not so much a stranger now. I heard you can open your heart more freely when talking with someone you don't see. Like me, for instance. 😇😃
From: 0905 576++++

To: 0905 576++++

From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Hey, blank message? Am I annoying you? I'm sorry if I'm being pushy. 😦 I don't mean to. I just wanna help. Sort of a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear for you. Sorry if I offended you.
From: 0905 576++++

To: Concerned Citizen Paolo
No, I'm not offended. I was just thinking, maybe you're right.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
I'm all ears. 😉
From: Concerned Citizen Paolo

To: Concerned Citizen Paolo
Well, there is this guy who has been courting me for a year now. I just found out today that he already has a girlfriend. I've been planning on finally saying yes, yet this is what I learned. His cousin who is also my blockmate told me. It just hurts. 😢😞😖
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Ah. So the message that you mistakenly sent me was really for him?
From: Concerned Citizen Paolo

To: Concerned Citizen Paolo
Yes. I'm begging him to stop coz he's been calling and texting me. It only adds to my pain. 😢
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Aw, that's rotten luck. I'm sorry to hear you're hurting. Are you sure what his cousin said was true? Not to defend him, just to give him the benefit of doubt, you know.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Yes, I'm sure. I already confronted him. His changing stories tell me he's really lying. He denied it at first, then admitted and told me they'd already broken up, then he told me it was not true at all. I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is he just keeps on hurting me with his lies.
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
I'm sorry to hear that. Just so you know I think you deserve someone better than him. I pray that at the right time, someone will come to set things right for you.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Thank you. I also pray that what you say will happen. Are all boys like that? If so, then I'm swearing off love! Even if I have to stay NBSB forever!
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
That made me laugh. 😄 No, not all boys are like him. You just have to wait for the ONE to come.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Me being an NBSB made you laugh? (raised eyebrow) 😑 Hmph!
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
You, swearing off love made me laugh. You're too young to swear off love. 😜
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Hey, I'm 18. I'm legit, Mister!
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Well, I'm 16. Two years younger. Hi, Ate. 😄😅😜😝
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Ay totoy. Can't believe I just listened to your advice. 😅😝
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Hahaha! I'm old for my years! Lol
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Whatever! Duh! Hahaha! 😀
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
Hey, you laughed! Kitam, I can make you smile at least. 😆
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Thanks bunso. Lol. Seriously, thank you for listening, for the advice and for wasting your load on me. I'm feeling better  😊
From: 0926 347++++

To: 0926 347++++
At your service. 😄 Now that you're feeling better. Care to tell me your name?
From CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
I haven't told you my name yet?! It's Jan. Short for Jana Andrea Nueva. 😃
From: 0926 347++++

To: Jan
Hi po Jan. I'm Paolo Luigi Ruiz. Call me Paolo po.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Po ka dyan! Tse! Hmph!
From: Jan

To: Jan
Hahaha! Lol
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Tawa ka dyan. O sya goodnight na. It's late na. Let's sleep. Ikaw din baka di ka lumaki. Totoy. Hahaha!
From: Jan

To: Jan
Ok PO. Goodnight PO.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
From: Jan

To: Jan
Lol. You really are funny. Goodnight. May your sleep bring you only sweet dreams. May your angel wipe your tears and leave only a smile on your lips.
From: CC Paolo

To: CC Paolo
Aww. Poet ka? Hahaha. Thanks. I'm touched. Really. Night night! Sweet dreams too.
From: Jan

To: Jan
From: CC Paolo

Forever You And ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang