He's My Angel *Larry*

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Warning: Mentions Major Character Death

Louis' P.O.V.

It's been about two years since One Direction broke up, and a year since I lost the love of my life. Harry and I had been in love from that first meeting on The X-Factor, when green eyes met blue and shy smiles were exchanged. We hadn't admitted our love to each other until the band was at least a year old, but it was obvious to everyone how in love we were.

We fought our way through all of the fights, all of the hate, and anything else, because we knew that as long as we had each other we could and we would make it through anything. That was until Harry developed an estranged case of pneumonia.

It was nothing at first, just a fever and some coughing, but then it picked up and he started to have a shortness of breathe, and chest pains, and fatigue. He refused to let me take him to the hospital, saying "I'm sure it'll pass", but I should've taken him anyway.

He just kept getting worse and worse, the autopsy showed that he passed away from a severe case of pneumonia and full-blown bronchitis that was eating away at his lungs

If I had taken him to the hospital, then maybe I wouldn't be in this position. Sitting at Harry's grave, on the anniversary of his death; February 1, 2017. It's horrible that he died on his birthday, I had just made breakfast to give to him in bed. I brought the tray upstairs to our room before setting it down so that I could wake him up, but as I leaned over him I could tell something wasn't right. He had no pulse that I could tell, and I didn't want to believe it, in any way, shape, or form, but I knew that he hadn't made it through the night.

He wouldn't want me to mope around though, so I've been trying to deal with this as best as I could, with the help of Liam, Zayn, and Niall especially. I just like to think that he's watching over me, like the angel he's always been.

A/N: So that could've been better written, but I didn't want to cry too much whilst writing. I already shed a few tears, but whatevs. As always prompts and comments are welcome! Stay beautiful:)

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