"If anything happens just cross your legs" Justin whispers against my skin before running away like a scared little boy. Damn right. Like crossing my legs is gonna do shît.

"You are not liked." I grumble rolling my eyes as Ki shakes our head at us.

"Spa!" Justin exclaims and I scoff.


"Oh my god." I gasp as the masseuse works her fingers up my legs laughing to herself at my reaction. Ki is looking to me slight wide eyed too.

"Are you okay?" She asks whilst beginning to laugh at my reaction.

"This is the best thing to happen to me since sex with Justin Bieber okay?" I speak trying to hide my smile as Kiara snorts at me. Maybe I was being rediculous or overreacting but as part of my protest over Justin going to Vegas I wasn't letting him touch anywhere below the waist. That unfortunately included my legs and feet, which unfortunately means no leg or foot massages for me. Can you sense my sad pout? It's only because every time this happened somewhere along the way I'd get turned on (which let me tell you is almost a constant right now), and we'd end up having sex.

"Why the hell didn't we do this two days ago when you were whining?" Ki asks herself and I'm tempted to curse at her. Luckily I think better of it and keep some of my sanity in front of the poor masseuse.

"I don't know but I wanna live here." I sigh in content wiggling my toes a little. "How's New York?" I ask deciding I'm bored of things being all about me. It seemed like that's all it was recently. If I was feeling okay, am I nervous, is everything ready for the baby? It's nice being able to question somebody else and all the focus not be on me.

"Amazinggg" Kiara smiles her shoulders slumping in content. "I really love it, just...ya know, It's so busy and loud you get so much privacy! I have my space and I work...everything's going really good." I smile in happiness not only at the fact things are going good for her but also because I don't feel guilty. Kiara has been like my sister for so long it's good that I don't feel like I've forced her to do anything or pushed her into things and she's happy on her own.

"What about Dylan?" I ask hoping to get some sort of information. She's always so closed off with relationships its hard to know what she's thinking. This is probably the only guy I've known who she's been around more than 2 months. She always seems to get bored or finds some way to pick on bad aspects of a persons personality, it's a miracle we've been friends for so long to be honest. She even brought Dylan over here and that's why Justin's in Vegas right now, he wants to show off to his new friend. It was sweet because I could see from the moment they arrived Dylan really likes Ki, maybe in a way more than like and Justin could kind of sense it too. I think it was nice for him to have somebody around who wasn't there for him, if that made any sense, he knew Dylan was being nice because he wanted to make a good impression on us.

The masseuse finished and led the both of us to the pool area which was completely empty. The large pool stretched out at least 50 metres and the large glass panes which opened out to the valley below us kind of took my breath away. Everything seemed so peaceful and relaxed here, I'll definitely have to come back maybe with Justin sometime. He's been so stressed trying to finish all of his business with the album and promo for his songs lately, nevermind me and my mood swings. He could most defiantly do with a getaway if it's anywhere near as relaxing as this for him.

"Char?" Kiara asked slowly as I hummed my feet dipping into the warm water of the pool. It seemed to make my whole body feel relaxed taking all the stress and strain of walking around off them. "What about Justin though?" Ki asked quietly as I peeked open one eye to look at her. There was nobody around, we both knew this, but she's probably just being over cautious.

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