#7-little things by one direction.

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Dean:-'I know you never love, the sound of your voice on tape, you never want, to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans but you're perfect to me.'

"Come on babe, I'm making a home video!" Dean exclaimed, getting out the video camera. You stopped unpacking the box that you were doing in the living room and gave a little wave to the camera. "Say something, Princess," Dean frowned. You shook your head quickly, starting to unpack again. One of the main things you took out were the scales, and you looked at them with loathing as weigh-in day was your most hated time of the month. "Y/N!" Dean whinged. He closed the camera screen and you finally spoke.

"My voice sounds disgusting on camera," you muttered, chucking the scales across the side of the room.

"No it doesn't," Dean said simply. "Since when?"

"Since I was born!" you exclaimed. "Don't worry, you can do the home video, I just won't talk!"

"It's not a home video without you. You're perfect to me! Why are you...ugh if only you saw that there is nothing wrong with you, or your weight and are those not the jeans that-" you cut him off "Yeah I've had for years, so what?" you gave a sheepish grin. Dean just cooed and flew over to you, giving you a huge hug.

"If only I could write a song about these silly little things," he sighed, giving you a kiss.

"Maybe you will," you sighed
Sam:- 'You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you...'

"Sam, why do you love me?" you asked your boyfriend of six months. Sam frowned at you who was snuggled up in his arms.

"What kind of question is that?" he asked you.

"An honest one," you gave a dry laugh. "I look in the mirror and see nothing pretty or exciting about me at all. Yet you seem to find them everywhere."

"I'm your boyfriend it's what I do," Sam grinned at you, but then his face turned serious again. "I can't believe you don't find anything great about yourself, you have no flaws in my eyes."

"Sam, I've come to the conclusion that you are wearing invisible glasses," you smiled at him.

"Seriously! It's ridiculous, you'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.." he said quietly, kissing the top of your head.
Cas:- 'You're hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bare this in mine it was, meant to be. I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me.'

"Let's go then," Cas smiled at you as you did up your giant jacket.

"But Cassy, it's snowing outside," you tried again, wanting to stay inside and not in the mood.

"Oh come on Cookie , please!" Cas begged.

"Oh fine!" you groaned. Cas watched you leave the house and step outside, into the cold. He held out his hand and yours slipped into his just perfectly.

"It's like a jigsaw puzzle!" Cas exclaimed.

"Oh my Cas, I think that my freckles are going to freeze," you frowned, feeling very cold.

"Oh no, not the freckles!" Cas cried, as you walked down the road.

"Maybe they'll go!" you said happily.

"Never, they're so perfect. Without them you wouldn't be you," Cas whispered, turning you around to face him. You leant in for a perfect kiss, and if it wasn't for Dean, Sam and Gabriel sneaking behind both of you and pelting you with snowballs, it would have been the most perfect moment in the world.
sorry if you don't like 1D cuz I do they are my boyzzzz ♡♡♡♡

xx~princess nene.

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