Fun Facts

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Hey guys! This story is over but there are a few things about it I thought I would leave here for anyone who wants to read. :) I appreciate everyone's sweet comments on this story.

Fact #1 (don't hate me): Newt wasn't supposed to die in this fic.

I had a whole plan laid out for this story and to be honest, I forgot. 😂😅
Newt was gonna get help and Thomas would pull him out of his depression. If you can remember in the beginning of this story Kaya asks Thomas if he was writing songs, because I planned for him to write songs as a hobby. There was going to be this prom scene after newt was released from the hospital where Thomas sang a song he wrote for him. I didn't remember until a while after this story was done but I am happy enough with this ending since I don't have any death endings to any of my fics.

Fact #2: There was supposed to be a ton more diary entries, like there was in the begging. I just forgot again. I forget a lot when I write then end up changing from my original idea. 🌚

Fact: #3 The letters from T was supposed to be different. Teresa was gonna come visit and be hugging Thomas in his room but tripped and fell on top having Newt walk in. I decided that would be weird to write since newt isn't the kind of guy to come to Thomas's house uninvited.

Fact #4: I didn't plan on Newt losing his legs! It was a decision I made during writing this but originally, Newt was going to return home fine from the hospital.

Fact #5: I considered making this all one big nightmare of Thomas's and Newt and Thomas actually being a couple and this whole thing a dream but decided against it.

I hope these satisfied your hunger to learn more about this fanfic! 🤘🏻(that sounds really weird but I'm really weird.)

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