Finally, the bell rings and everyone files out of the class.

I walk to my next class, trying my hardest to avoid all the cruel names and comments being thrown at me.

"Hey fatass," someone calls, obviously talking to me, "you look hot, need some water?"

I look at him with a confused look, and see that it's Lucas Crawler. He's the schools famous basketball player. He "leads the team to victory in every game" and is "so damn fine," other peoples words, not mine. In my opinion, he's a complete idiotic asshole, who has to bribe teachers to pass classes, that is completely full of himself. While the bribing teachers thing is true, I've seen it myself, everything else is opinionated based on how I've seen him act.

I'm confused because 1; I'm actually a little cold due to the air conditioning, and 2; why would he give me water anyways?

My second question is answered when he pours a bottle of water of water over my head

I don't move as the water goes down my back, and soaks my clothes and hair. I look up, so it doesn't go down my face and make my makeup come off. That would be bad.

Everyone laughs, and points, and whispers to one another, while I stand there with cold water soaking me.

Lucas smirks at me, and I clench my hands into fists. He stares at me, waiting for my reaction, but I don't give him one. I will not give him the satisfaction.

I release my clenched fists, and walk past him, making my way to a bathroom.

The laughing gets quieter and quieter as I walk further away, making me let out a sigh of relief.

I finally find a bathroom, and s soon as I walk in, the bells rings telling me class has started, and I'm now late.

I make sure no one else is in any stalls, then lock the bathroom door so no one will come in.

I look in the mirror, and grimace at the sight. My hair is wet, making it frizzy, the back of clothes are soaked, and the front of my clothes- around my shoulders, arms, and legs- are wet, as well.

I take off my hoodie, revealing my plain blue T-shirt and bruised up arms, and wring it out a little in the sink.

I slip it back on, and make sure my makeup didn't come off.

I've never been physically bullied like that before. I mean, yeah, I would be tripped by people sticking out their foot, but that's no big deal. Getting water poured on me? That was a first.

When I was done, I walk to class, well aware that I was now ten minutes late, and when I finally get to class I would probably be about fifteen minutes late.


I hesitate as I reach for the door.

When I finally do, I slowly open it, and walk into the classroom.

I ignore all the odd looks and giggles from the class as I walk into the classroom.

"Miss Falls," the teacher says bitterly, "how nice of you to finally join us."

I perse my lips into a straight line, and give her a small shrug before walking to my desk.

I sit down, and rested my forehead on my hand, letting my hair fall in my face, hiding me from the class.

Ryder's POV

I watch as a soaking wet Dawn walks into the class.

Some people giggle, telling me they knew something about it.

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