The Plan

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Gray's POV

The plan was to buy flowers, chocolates and give her a letter, I don't know what kind of things you should give to her, I mean - she IS a Goddess after all. I already bought chocolates and flowers.

"I'll go back to my apartment and then write a letter for her then, but I still don't know why her mother kept telling me not to fall in love with her, did Juvia say something like that? Or maybe her mother is just over protective?" I muttered to myself and then walked home


Paper! Pen!

"'Dear Juvia,

Hi there, It's me Gray, Meet me at the Coffee Tail, again, this time, I promise!! I REALLY REALLY PROMISE! I'll never forget!"

I think it's better to confess in person than in this letter, my opinion.

I sighed then someone knocked

"Come in!" I yelled, I don't even care if it's a burglar, just kidding.

"Gray." they said

Natsu and Lucy what are they doing here?

"The fuck are you both doing here? Especially you pink haired- SOMETHING!" I yelled

"I didn't come here to fight princess" he sighed

"Gray, we met Juvia's mom" Lucy said

"Oh? MY mom? Yep, I already met her too" I said, proudly.

"This is going to be a bad news for princess" Natsu said

"Lyon is in Juvia's room, she's crying" Lucy said and my eyes widen

Why did Lyon got there first?! I'am so pathetic!

I quickly ran next door and then knocked

"Come in!" LYON said

It's true then!

Then the three of us - Natsu, Lucy and Me - got inside

"Juvia are you okay?! What happened?" I asked

"I-I-I'm- It's my mom" she sobbed

"What happened to mo- I mean your mom?" I asked

"I-I'm going home!" She cried harder

My eyes widen

WHAT?! NO! YOU CAN'T!!!!!'

"Y-you-you're leaving?" I asked "W-when?"

"Next week" she sniffed


I immediately ran to my room and took the letter I made and got back to Juvia's room.

"What's that Gray-sama?" She asked

"A-a Letter, just open it" I said very nervous

"Okay Gray-sama, I mean, you promise you won't forget this time? You promise not to be a butt anymore?" She asked

"Who thought you those inappropriate words?" I asked then glared at Lyon playfully

He raised both of his hands up and said "I'm innocent"

"Not Guilty" I said and then we all laughed forgetting that Juvia is leaving next week

"W-why are you leaving?" I asked bringing the topic up again

"Gray-sama, M-my mom doesn't want me to fall in love with a human" she said

"What? But- you don't love anyone right?" I asked then Lucy and Natsu both glared at me then I saw Lyon glaring at me too..

"I-I'm not sure anymore, I'am so confused!" She yelled

"By the way, tomorrow, 12 pm! I'll make it this time, I'am not going to be a butt this time" I said

"I hope so" Juvia said


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