Best Friend's Sibling (Barry x Patty)

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Hearing a knock, I frowned as rolled off my bed. I pulled on a pair of slippers, my phone between my shoulder and ear as I listened to Barry. "Wait a sec, someone just knocked," I told him, cutting of whatever he'd been saying.

"Yeah, about that.." He said, his tone of voice shifting. My eyebrows scrunched together some as I walked out of my bedroom, trying to pick out what changed. Was he nervous now? Uneasy? Something was there.

"What is it?" I asked before I reached the front door. I peeked out the peephole and froze in surprise. "Oh." I undid the locks and opened the door, slowly lowering the phone from my face and ending the call as I looked at Barry.

He shifted on his feet. "Hi," he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Hi," I replied, still surprised that he was here.

He cleared his throat slightly and shifted the strap over his shoulder, looking down at his bag. opening it, he said, "You forgot something at Iris's, so I figured I'd bring it over. I wasn't home yet anyways, because of my late class, so..." He held it out towards me.

Recognizing my laptop charger, I took it. "Thanks. Can't have a Netflix marathon with a dead laptop."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but smiled. "That's what you were doing, huh? I should've known. What show?"

"Movie, actually. Curse of the Black Pearl. Johnny Depp is awesome," I answered with a smile of my own. Turning, I walked back inside. It took a moment, but I heard him follow me in and close the apartment door. "This could've waited until tomorrow, you know," I teased as I went back to my bedroom. Finding an outlet for the charger, I plugged it in, continuing, "Driving when tired is dangerous."

"I'm not that tired," Barry called back. Ah, so he wasn't in my room. What a gentleman, I thought as I plugged in my laptop. I walked out of my bedroom to see him standing in what I used as the living area, his arms crossed as he leaned against my couch. He shrugged. "Besides, I had good motivation."

I felt my cheeks starting to turn pink, but I tried not to pay attention to it. "Really?" I questioned. When he nodded, I walked over to him, stopping in front of the fellow college student. Part of my mind thought, Oh God, I'm in my pajamas. These aren't bad pajamas are they? Another part of my mind tried to shut that part up for fear of turning my face the color of a Valentine. "And... What motivation was that?"

"You," came the answer, joined with a kind smile.

I was definitely blushing now. Ignoring the fact that my heart rate had most definitely picked up, I looked up at Barry, not quite sure how to handle this situation. I mean, yeah, Barry was cute, and smart, and - honestly - he was hot. In a cute, dorky way. "Are you... Are you flirting with me?"

Now Barry was also blushing. "Maybe a little?" He answered, though it sounded more like a question. He uncrossed his arms, fiddling with his fingers, a nervous tick of his. "Is that... okay?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but no sound came out. Was it okay? Was this what we were now? I mean, I knew that our relationship had changed, but I didn't think it was... this. Was this okay? What was this even? What would Iris think when she found out?

"Patty...?" Barry's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. Looking at him, I saw his slightly worried expression, like he was afraid he'd crossed a line. When I still didn't say anything, I saw the embarrassment and disappointment enter his eyes. It was easy to see, when he wore his heart on his sleeve. A heart that I had just potentially broken. He started to apologize, saying, "I'm if - If that was-"

"What?" Realizing what was happening, I quickly shook my head. "No, no! I mean, it's - It's fine, I just..." I stumbled over my words. I pressed my lips together, then sighed and brushed some hair away from my face. Was this complicated or was I just making it this way? "You know what," I decided, "it's okay. It's... It's great, in fact."

Barry's expression was uncertain, but I saw the hope that flickered into it. "It - It is? You're sure?"

I nodded firmly. "Positive," I answered, taking a step forward.

He breathed out, a relieved smile appearing on his face. I returned it with one of my own. When his gaze flickered down to my pajamas, he commented, "So, I see you're Team Captain America. Nice choice."

"Thanks," I grinned, secretly pleased that I'd chosen to wear these pjs tonight. I gave him a questioning look. "So, does this mean you're also Team Cap?"

Barry shrugged. "I was trying to stay neutral," he told me, "but that may change now."

A small, happy laugh escaped from me. "Good. I'd hate to be against you," I replied, stepping away and walking to the kitchen.

As I opened the pantry, I heard him say, "Technically, neutral isn't against anybody, so you wouldn't be against me. Not really."

"Still." I closed the pantry once I found my box of Oreos. I set them on the counter and went to the fridge next, pulling out a small bottle of milk, replying, "It's more fun to be on the same team."

"That is a good point," Barry relented. When I glanced over at him, I saw him grinning.

Making another decision, I asked him, "What do you think of pirates?"

Thrown off by the random question, he took a moment to answer. "U-Uh... They're cool, I guess. Why?"

"Because," I answered as I closed the fridge. Grabbing the Oreos, I turned to face him, "I still have a lot of my movie left." I walked past him, heading towards my bedroom. He'd been to my apartment before, so he knew what was on the other side of that door, I was positive. "Besides, it's late and you don't have a car. You definitely should not be walking around by yourself right now." Once I set my Oreos down on the bed and my milk on the nightstand, I turned around to see him slowly approaching the doorway.

"Are you suggesting a movie night?" He asked, eyebrows raised slightly, but not looking displeased with the idea.

I shrugged, suddenly nervous. "Well, yeah. I mean, unless you really need to go or something. I won't keep you here or anything-"

His chuckle cut off my rambling. "I'd love to," he told me sincerely, smiling. Feeling relieved, I relaxed and smiled back.

A few minutes later, he had his shoes and coat off, and we were sitting next to each other on my bed, watching the laptop screen before us. I looked away from the movie to look at Barry, studying the side of his face. Sensing my gaze after a moment, he turned his head and, seeing my expression, frowned slightly and asked, "What?"

I leaned back against the wall behind us and smiled slightly. "Iris could've run over my charger herself, couldn't she?"

He blushed and tried to stammer out something before he sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's figured us out."

I giggled. "Remind me to thank her."

"Will do," Barry promised. He smiled at me, then leaned over and kissed my cheek. I blushed, but smiled, then looked back at the movie and rested my head on his shoulder.

It was a good night.  

The Flash ⚡ One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon