Mario Kart

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Me and a friend came up with this headcanon that Team Flash sits down to play Mario Kart at some point and finds out that one of them is surprisingly amazing at it. XD They, my friend, are pretty awesome, btw. She came up with most of this. :) Also, this takes place sometime during SEASON TWO. I repeat, SEASON TWO. Ya know what that means: Spoilers. Don't tell me I didn't warn ya.

Update 29/12/2021: edited some grammar issues


It had been a good day for Team Flash. There hadn't been any metahumans attacks, no big name criminals had made an appearance, and Zoom hadn't pulled anyone through a breach. At the police department, Barry had gotten some work done for a minor case. After that, he hadn't been needed, so he ran around the city as the Flash and helped who he could. There'd been no bad injuries, like he normally got, which was definitely a nice change of pace. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco had been able to take some time repair a small part of the pipeline that hadn't been fixed yet, since they would have to start keeping metahumans in there again sometime soon. Caitlin had sat at the computers and watched how Barry was doing as he zoomed around the city, helping whenever needed. Jay had been there for a little while, but left after a few hours to go talk to Joe.

Now Barry was at the labs and the day was over. He was off duty, so Caitlin didn't have to keep an eye on him anymore. He changed out of his uniform, pulling on a pair of jeans and a S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt he kept stashed in one of the lockers, then made his way out into their main operating room.

Cisco had returned from working on the pipeline a few minutes ago, just in time to catch the end of Barry's shift of being the Flash, and was now sitting on one of the chairs next to Caitlin, munching on a piece of licorice.

"Good work out there today," Caitlin complimented with a smile as Barry walked in.

"Yeah. It's always nice to have you come back in one piece and not worry about having to operate on you immediately," Cisco added, waving his licorice at Barry before taking another bite of it.

Barry laughed. "Yeah, I like it too," he responded.

"I would hope so," Caitlin teased with a playful smile before she turned off her tablet and the computer she'd been using.

Cisco turned his chair back and forth, and, although he was quiet, Barry guessed by the grin forming on his friend's face that he was thinking about something. "What is it?" Barry asked curiously.

"Nothing," the engineer answered casually, though he was still grinning like a maniac. "I was just thinking that we should celebrate tonight, take some time off for ourselves, hang out as friends and not worry about any crazy stuff happening."

"That does sound nice," Caitlin admitted, sharing a look with Barry, who nodded his agreement. She looked back at Cisco, "Even though you probably just jinxed it."

Barry laughed slightly at that while Cisco just waved his free hand dismissively before eating more of his candy. "What kind of celebration do you have in mind?" The speedster asked.

Cisco's grin almost looked mischievous now. He paused for dramatic effect, letting Barry and Caitlin look expectantly at him for a moment before saying two words. "Mario Kart." Now it was Barry's turn to grin. Not because the idea was silly or stupid, but because it actually did sound fun. At the same time, sitting around and playing Mario Kart sounded so normal. It'd been awhile since any of them had experienced normal.

"Mario Kart?" Caitlin echoed him questioningly, raising an eyebrow. "Since when do we have Mario Kart?"

"Since I borrowed it from my brother," Cisco answered simply.

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