Oh God. I wanted a hole to open up underneath me and swallow me at this very moment. I could not believe we were having this conversation right now.

"I cant believe out of all the things I said before, you managed to pick out that one complement out of all the others I just paid you." I said shacking my head.

"Ha, I just think its cute. Your different Lilly. Your not like any other person I've ever meet." Gabe said all of this while stirring me in the eye.

I couldn't help staring right back into his twin stormy eyes , that held lust just for me. And as we lost our selves in each other's eyes our body's found themselves moving closer to one another. I closed my eyes just as his lips touched mine. The kiss started out so sweet, but as the minutes passed us our passion took over like it had in the kitchen earlier. As are tongs danced the oldest dances, I could feel Gabe's large rough hands cup the back of my head. This was my que to let my hands have free rain over his body. I ran my hands up into his hair and pulled his head closer in an effort to deepen the kiss.

Gabe felt the same sense of urgency, for in that moment I found myself being picked up and placed in his lap. All while never breaking the seal are lips had made. But as the minutes continued to tick by I knew I would have to end the kiss, for my lungs were starting to scream for air. So I turned my head pulling my lips form Gabe's and tucked my head in the side of his neck. We both we're trying to get a handle on are breathing as the night stretched on.

I couldn't help smiling once I began breathing more normally. I was currently straddling Gabe's lap, where I could still feel the lasting effects of our kiss under myself. I still don't know how his wife could find a fault with him. Because what I was feeling felt pretty dam spectacular. For this was the second time tonight that something like this had happened. This cowboy was skilled.

"So I guess you really do think I'm a cowboy god, huh?" Gabe said slightly dazed while his hands continued to hold ne in places by my thighs.

This made me sit up so I could look into Gabe's eyes "I cant really deny it after what just happened. Now can I?"

"Nah I guess not. I personally don't no why your so embarrassed to admitted it anyways. I think your beautiful."

"Aw! Thank you Gabe." I said blushing. "I should probably get down, right?" I asked Gabe.

Gabe laughed before answering me. "Well if it were up to me. I would say no don't move, but if your uncomfortable by all means do what feels right."

This though me off. Fun Lilly wanted to stay right on Gabe's Lap, but sane Lilly was like 'what would your mother think if she saw you right now?' I was so unsure and angry with the fact that I still had thoughts of what would my mother would think at a time like this. That I decide to just block them all out and just go with what felt right. And fun Lilly felt right tonight.

"I'm glade your evil side won the war." Gabe said chuckling at me while his eyes still held desire. "So tell me about yourself. Now that you know what brought me here, I think I'm entitled to a little of your back story."

Blushing I smiled at Gabe as I moved away from him slightly, so I would be more comfortable.

"Ya I do owe you that at the very least don't I."

Gabe nodded while reaching one arm down to pick up his glass. After he took his sip I reached for the glass to take a sip as well. Even though I had my own glass I really didn't want to move to go get it.

"Well this is my home town. I've only left to go away to go to college and to study abroad along with my internship, and that all totaled to about nine years. My parents are divorced my father moved to Virginia with his new family leaving my mom and my two other siblings. My brother James is the oldest and is in the Maries now. My baby sisters name is Gabrielle, but we all call her Gabby she just got married a few years back and is now expecting. So that makes me the forgotten middle child." That got Gabe to laugh while he continued to listen to me.

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