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Picture of Giselle Wilkins


I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you. -Unknown

I awake from the shouting and screaming outside my bedroom door. Oh yay my sister is here. I look to the clock and see it's already 7:45am. "Shit" I mumble as I leap from my bed. Fuck I can't be late on my first day! Chasity , my new girlfriend wanted me to be there by 8:30 am so I could meet her friends who she hasn't stopped talking about. I don't even remember what she said about them but I couldn't care less.

Within 15 minutes I'm downstairs eating breakfast in silence with my family. My dad is glaring at his daughter, my sister, Julie from across the table. She is just after dropping out of college to follow her dream of being a ballerina. I support her entirely as this has been a dream of hers for as long as I can remember. She has just returned home and my parents are not happy especially my dad, he wanted her to become a lawyer.... I know, I know, what an asshole. My younger brother, Luke sits in the chair next to me, staring up at me. He is now 6 years old and he worships me. Not that I'm complaining but I'm a terrible excuse for a role model. We remain in silence for another 10 minutes until my mom says "Arsen, you should get going now".

I simply reply with "oh yeah, thanks mom" before departing from the table but not before I "accidentally" hitting Luke on the back of the head causing him to Yelp. I grab my phone, my keys and my bag and exit this sad excuse of a family home.


As I turn on to the street the school is on, I pull up behind a familiar red Mini Cooper. I instantly realise it's Chasity and start beeping my horn like a crazy man. I then notice there is someone in the car with her, probably one of her friends that I'm going to be forced into meeting. I park my car near Chasity's. As I walk towards her car, I see a curly, brown mane blowing in the wind on the passenger side of Chasity's car.

As Chasity jumps from the car, I shout at her. She immediately turns towards me and run leaps into my arms. She is so dramatic, I literally saw her less than 12 hours ago.

"I really missed you" she seductively whispers in my ear while her arms are wrapped tight around me.

"You too Chas" I reply while letting go of her body. I look around for the girl that was with her but she must have already left.

"Where's your friend?" I ask Nodding towards the car.

"I knew she'd run, that bitch. That's Giselle by the way. She seemed a little jumpy anyway, probably just nervous" she says with a reassuring smile. She suddenly grabs my tie and pulls my lips to hers.

"You look very hot in this" she whispers against my lips, causing me to smirk. I pull away, I'm not a huge fan of PDA, which she already knows. She pouts up at me, batting her eyes, like that's going to work.

"Let's get you inside, it's cold" I say, throwing my arm around her and walking towards the main door.


"Okay Arsen, this is the gang who you have been dying to meet" she squeals, I roll my eyes at her obvious bullshit. I have actually been dreading meeting them but whatever keeps this princess happy.... I guess.

"That's Luciana, Zora and Emily" she says pointing to a tall, thin, pale skinned girl with obviously dyed red hair who grins as my eyes land on her. "Slut" I think. Then pointing to a curvy, tall, caramel skinned girl with a head full of black curls. "She may have competition with Chasity in the beauty category" I think as she slightly smiles over at me. Lastly, she points to a tanned skinned, thicker girl, with black long black hair that reaches done to her waist, she completely ignores me and continues to look at her feet with a blush painted on her cheeks.

"This is Max, Alec and Jerry" she turns my attention to a pale, tall, muscular, dirty blonde haired guy who glares at me. A black haired, tanned, extremely muscular guy who's eyes look me up and down and then nods at me nonchalantly. Finally, a brown skinned guy, who is slightly shorter than the other guys but taller than the girls, he is close to skinny, he has brown, curly hair, he just slightly smirks and looks away.

"Umm where's Giselle?" Asks Chastity looking towards the Zora who just points towards the other side of the room. Chastity immediately walks away in that direction without a word. The girls of the group begin to chatter about some show that I have never heard of.

"So you're from New York, right?" Asks the Jerry guy and I just nod.

Alec catches eye contact with me and just shrugs before saying "Are you nervous for your first day?" He is definitely the friendliest of the group.

"I guess, like I don't really know anyone and I'm not sure how everything works in this here England. Atleast I have Chasity ... And you guys I guess" I say truthfully before Max sniggers under his breath.

"Max" Jerry says in a warning tone. Max glares at him and raises his eyebrows before walking towards the girls and kissing Luciana on the head.

"Ignore him. He is just..... like that" Alec says looking to max then Jerry then to me. Alec looks behind me and his face instantly lights up. I turn to see what he's looking at and immediately my breath hitches. The world seems to slow down.

Chastity is talking to a girl who is now shaking her head causing her hair to bounce while slightly giggling. She's smaller than Chastity and has brown hair. But all I can seem to pay attention is to her smile and the actions of her body during her laughter. She looks directly into my eyes as she stops shaking her head. Her eyes are grey and big. She looks like a dear caught in the headlights as she looks at me. Her eyes scan over my body momentarily but then meet my eyes again. All the sounds surrounding me are caught in a murmur. My head feels light and dizzy but I can't look away.

She begins to come closer and closer until I see Chastity standing close Infront of me with a grin on her face. Ugh and I was enjoying the view I was looking at but Chas ruined that. Chastity moves to the side, exposing the object of my attention from moments ago. The girl Infront of me looks up and her eyes widen. Shock swept across her face causing her lips to part slightly in the most desirable way. Chas says something but it was caught with the other murmurs. The girl's eyes widen even more from Chastity's words. I hear chastity says my name and I turn my face to her but keep my eyes on the girl's.

"Huh?" Is all I can manage to say. I feel completely baffled.

"I said... Giselle this is Arsen Bates, my boyfriend" she replies in annoyance, raising her voice at the word boyfriend. I shut my eyes, fuck this.


I have a problem with the next chapter, so it might be a little bad or late probably. I like to make my chapters as perfect as possible so it can take a few minutes to a few days to write a chapter. Thank you again if you're still reading, I am very grateful.

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