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Alice's P.O.V.

Hey.I'm Melody Alice Johnson.Most people call me Ali Alice or Mali(ma-lee).I don't mind being called anything really.I am from Guernsey.I have two younger brothers and an older brother.My younger brother Matthew is 8,Jake is 13 and my older brother Jack is 20.And I'm 17.I have a best friend that I grew up with...

Harry Lewis.He is the one I turn to when I need someone and he has a younger sister Rosie who is 16 and a younger brother Josh who is 13.Harry's 19 but we were best friends since I can remeber.Our families are such great friends so when I grew up I always hung out with Harry never really was crazy about Rosie since I grew up with boys and I'm not a girly girl but we still get along very well.

So today I'm going to Harry's since I'm helping him film a video and it's a Q and A.Speaking of the devil...he just texted me.I haven't seen him since he last visited,because he lives in London now.

From Harold😊:When are you coming Mali?! I'm home and very bored coooome ooooooon

To Harold😊:I'm on my way relax mateee

From Harold😊:Wear something decent you're gonna be in it😇

To Harold😊:Oh don't you start on my clothes you hobo👽!

From Harold😊:Don't be hate me cuz you aint me plus you know you love meh so shush😳😂

To Harold😊:Whatever...😌Are you gonna open the door you prick?🙍

That's when the door opend to reveal my best friend that I haven't seen in ages!Since he moved to London he hasn't really been home that much.

"Mali!I've missed you so much."He said and gave me a peck on the cheek."I've missed you too Harry."I said and cuddled into his neck.

"You actually look amazing.Not a tomboy anymore eh?"He asked and chuckled."I still am I just dress more girly.And what are you trying to say I didn't look decent before?"I said and fliped my hair.

"You always look decent I mean I'm a good role model n that."He said and I mhm-ed."What?Admit it I do dress nicely."He said."I mean you do yeh, can't lie about that."I said and he smirked."See you just luuuuuv meh."He said and smiled."Sure I do."I said and pulled away from the hug.

I saw Josh walk in."Joushua how have you been little one?"I asked him and ruffled his hair."Well good until you ruiend my hair."He said and Harry and I laughed while he took care of his hair problem.Then after he hugged me and walked out the door.

"Have fun with your girlfriend!"Harry yelled teasing him."Hey.Where's Rosie I haven't seen her in a while."I said."I come home all the way from London and you want to see my sister who is always here?Pft."He said sarcasticly."Yeah you're right...Where's Mrs Lewis instead?"I asked teasing him and he started tickling me.

"Oh co-me o-n yo-u kn-ow I l-ove y-ou!"I screamed."Good.I love you too now get your ass up and help me film."He said and I laughed.

"Hey!What's up guys today I'm here with my best friend Melody or Mali as I like to call her and we're gonna be filming a Q and A."He said and pointed to me and I waved and smiled."Hi.So first question are you two dating?No we aren't."I said and laughed.

"Second question how did you two become best friends?Well she was born and bam we were best friends!"He explained and I nodded."Third question how old is Melody?I am 17."I said."Okay next question can you two do a scene from titanic?Uhm...sure."Harry said and chuckled.

We did the part when Jack thought her how to spit just to be cheeky.We anwserd some more questions and it was pretty fun."Can we go out and do a vlog?"Harry asked."Yeah sure."I said."But out where?"I asked."Uhm..arcade?"He asked."K.I'm cool with that."I said and nodded.

"Hi guys!Harry here and I thought since I haven't done a vlog in a while why not now that I'm with Mali.Me and her are going to the arcade so yeah let's go."He said.We had fun just like old times.And we had slushies and ate amazing food.

He finished his vlog and we headed to my house so he can say hi to my family since they haven't seen him either.My family greeted him and we went to my room after that.

"So Harry I have something serious to tell you."I said and took a deep breath."What is it?"He asked concernd."Harry...I'm...

Hello all of you beautiful people!💞

This is the first chapter I will update as much as I possiblly can.😁

Please ⭐🌟vote and 💬💭comment.

Have a great day/night.🌆🌃

~all the love •L

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